29-S constitution
thence North
Libertarian support the call to the anarcho-syndicalist CNT union strike and adjacent to same will broadcast the call on our locations: Wednesday, September 15, 2010
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"No doubt plenty of reasons to go on strike. Political and employers we are warming up for two years. First ballooned to fire people, while carrying a paste in aid to banks and public money until the unemployment reached nearly five million people. When no one else could fire began falling wages, officials and employees of private enterprise, as if the government had given the signal to start the race from wage cuts. The CNT in the strike with a critical attitude towards trade unions state that the summon.
Now, not only put us another labor reform to make it easier to fire (is not cost them much earlier), but want lower pensions, retirement age increases, privatize health ...
face so much abuse, a one-day strike (more of a symbolic stop time), arrives late and wrong. CCOO and UGT have convened only when the government has decided to dispense with them at the negotiating table to pass the reform by decree. The sole purpose of this conference is trying to keep the monopoly of official representation, not real, workers and women. At the end of the day is what they have been seeking for years, through concessions and downs of pants constant. In short, they just want to be called to negotiate another reform more, make up this reform and seal his signature. This we did after the last general strike 20J. The official trade union model of union elections, freed, subsidies and mediated action has led to a large extent this situation, and since we have been warning CNT long. Not surprisingly
spent months calling on all doors to see who supports them. Even CNT approached to ask us to summon them. We even offered to stand in the picture. How much honor! Needless to say that we have refused to join his circus. Anarcho-syndicalism of the CNT does not work based on photos and appearances, but of solidarity, mutual support, self-management and direct action.
why we call participate in a strike, but that is truth, not to call us to negotiate a reform and cuts to which we vehemently oppose, but to drive them back. But above all, to take the first step in rebuilding a class unionism in this siding officer, who defends the interests of everyone that we have been suffering from the rain the last two years, while the state union participated in the show the distribution of aid and duty cuts. And we will do according to our principles as ever, without delegating or grants.
supported the strike, picket and we will manifest. Direct action is our hallmark of the 29-S. What we do to try to overthrow the labor reform that lowers the dismissal, collective redundancies facilitates, promotes the pick of the conventions (and their pay scales), and grants full powers to the release of the sectors on duty to negotiate with employers at the expense of assemblies of workers.
worker, Unemployed, student ... it is time to reclaim what is ours, but we do we will continue stealing rights. If you're sick of watching state unions bully us and want to participate in the construction of syndicalism, which is not sold to power by a bowl of subsidies, stop by the local CNT or contact our branch union in your company.
Starting this September 29th, even before we meet in the street against abuses by employers, politicians, bankers and unions fake crooks, because the fight does not end here.
Pantomime BASTA! "
Pantomime BASTA! "
release from local federation CNT Madrid
Oporto - Marqués de Vadillo
18:30 h
Congratulations On Your Pregnancy Christian Card
Viewing demobilization and passivity of the youth and working class in general, we see the need for self-organized around anarchist ideas.
Our field of action, in which group members reside, are Algete, S. Sebastian de los Reyes, Alcobendas, Coberly, Fuente el Saz, and as our name suggests, the area north of Madrid in general. We abide by the principles solidarity, mutual support and self-management, understood as independent of any entity, including a State, which, as anarchists fight. Our method of control is direct action, understood as the action without leaders or intermediaries, ie ourselves. There are many areas in which we fight and influence in our region, such as the passivity of the youth against the social problems, such as youth, also affects us, the entertainment led by companies such as State and drugs, consumerism as a form of recreational activity, the so-called "social networking", etc. On the other hand, we see the need to combat the rise of racism, xenophobia and extreme right in our towns is being given, the burden of economic and social crisis of the system on workers, the degradation of nature around us by the corporations, and industry collaboration, but own pollution by municipalities. As an example, the Jarama river pollution or noise impact on our habitat exerted by the airlines. In addition to publicly denouncing the rise of the repressive forces in our locations (police at the door of the institutes, records, searches of young people and immigrants, etc..) Alienation in which wage labor and consumerism join the society ... Soon you will see our advertisements in the streets and a publication bearing the name "Special Area North."
against the state, capital and any form of authority!
for anarchy!
Anarchist Group
North Libertarian
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Ultra High Performance Vs Grand Touring
From time to time, the moviegoer feels the need to get away from the big movie sagas of our time, with its stunning scenery and amazing visual effects, and dive a little on the old black and white, to unearth jewelry in a time that good stories should go where not reach the technical limitations of time. Stories like this:
Passport to Pimlico, 1947 year film studies Ealing, directed by Henry Cornelius . British humor in its purest form a biting satire on the cheap jingoism, as only the English are capable of accomplishing. We are in the post-war London, Pimlico, a working class neighborhood. By blowing up an unexploded German bomb from the recent war, he discovers a secret basement, which appears a treasure of the fifteenth century. Together with gold and jewels, is a chest containing documents. Reviewed these documents, you discover that the treasure belonged to the Duke of Burgundy Charles the Bold, historically presumed dead in the battle of Nancy, which led to the annexation of the duchy to France, but according to those documents would have managed to flee secretly to England, where the king granted him refuge and land, and the right to such lands were considered sovereign territory hereinafter Burgundy. The same land upon which now stands the Pimlico district, which under unearthed document, and never revoked, is legally the last remnant of the ancient Duchy of Burgundy, an independent state in of London.
Passport to Pimlico, 1947 year film studies Ealing, directed by Henry Cornelius . British humor in its purest form a biting satire on the cheap jingoism, as only the English are capable of accomplishing. We are in the post-war London, Pimlico, a working class neighborhood. By blowing up an unexploded German bomb from the recent war, he discovers a secret basement, which appears a treasure of the fifteenth century. Together with gold and jewels, is a chest containing documents. Reviewed these documents, you discover that the treasure belonged to the Duke of Burgundy Charles the Bold, historically presumed dead in the battle of Nancy, which led to the annexation of the duchy to France, but according to those documents would have managed to flee secretly to England, where the king granted him refuge and land, and the right to such lands were considered sovereign territory hereinafter Burgundy. The same land upon which now stands the Pimlico district, which under unearthed document, and never revoked, is legally the last remnant of the ancient Duchy of Burgundy, an independent state in of London.
From here, absurdity ensues. The next night the patrons of the place, encouraged by the beer, forcing the landlord to keep open the local pub after closing time required, and when you have the police to vacate the premises, refuse to do so, claiming that they are a foreign country, and therefore do not have to obey the laws of England. But the next morning the joke is not so funny, when the neighborhood appears taken by hordes of black marketeers, who come to openly sell all kinds of black market goods in the streets, and now is the police who refused to intervene because no jurisdiction in the duchy of Burgundy. From here the events are entangling, high politics is mixed in the case, and everything keeps getting more and more absurd, giving us the most grotesque scenes, as only the English humor is able to achieve: one customs in the middle of the street where a police officer responds to a lady, irritated at having to make a long tail and submit their documentation to shop at your store ever, with a phlegmatic: "Madam, I have no fault you go shopping abroad, "the neighbors cutting subway route that runs through the neighborhood, and breaking into cars for passengers to have passports, using the seal of the local grocery store as a visa, the neighborhood block by London police when negotiations with the neighbors, soon to come in case the opportunity to make improvements to the neighborhood, twist, and the clever tricks used by the local residents, and their supporters outside it, to break the lock (priceless scene parachuted pork) A funny movie that will make you think of a polite way but smart about how absurd it can be politics.
view it before I strongly recommend to hear some political news. In order to be, containing the statements of some nationalist politician, swollen with patriotic fervor. That will enhance the mood of the film, and appreciate it a lot better.
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