Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Difference Between Green And White Xanax Bars
My final exam for the Artistic drawing subject. Scumble and Charcoal on Ingres paper. 10 hours of work.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Pprivate School Jewel
To mark the opening of a new supermarket chain supermarkets Mercadona, near Fuente el Saz, from North Libertarian we take to uncover the social mask with which the chain is covered, to denounce the exploitation that exercised over its workers and call / as same / as a self-organization.
abundant are already cases of workers that are laid off as unwarranted or false accusations , if not achieved they sign the opt-in harassment, surveillance and contempt. Motivated often by organizing workers into unions, particularly in the central syndicalist CNT.
Facing any injustice on the job, claim their rights and even request a medical leave are reasons enough for the company to exercise against the / workers this policy of harassment and dismissal. There are several cases of workers who have been working with an injury (collar, plaster ...) vomiting or pregnant women, and not least those who have been harassed and pressured to exercise their freedom of association or to vindicate their rights, being a nuisance for the company.
Over a / a is the expectation of a more favorable job outlook to stop immediately this mafia company, but again have been between the exploitation and misery with no other choice.
Mercadona If you work in do not let them stepped on ien your rights and decent working conditions.
If you shop at this supermarket chain that ask yourself / a worker could be you, solidarízate.
Organize and fight!
not use in MERCADONA!
More information about the many conflicts that this company has and has had: http://www.cnt.es/mercacoso
What Does The Cervix Feel Like Before Your Period
against racism and all authority.
The following is a text written by the anarchist group Black Flag (FIXED):
"The struggle for social equality between people of different appearance based on their skin color or different cultural behavior arises currently from different angles. from the citizen, which means that as citizens equal before the law must be racism should be pursued by it, even more radical positions, ie, that seek to destroy the root of the problem and no, no We have no fear demanded as part of the latter.
The racism, today, is a consequence of social conflict that begins to spread in the Modern Age with the appearance in the history of the first mercantile capitalism and finance, but that does not give rise to the current racism until we arrived at his new historical stage, global capitalism and imperialism. Racism is a feeling of superiority over those who, by their external genetic characters are considerades different, but there is another sentiment, less terrible but still negligible, it is xenophobia, that is, the fear, the rejection of those who have developed cultural forms and different from ours, for reasons usually economic, poverty, are forced to migrate to countries with apparently greater "social wealth" (ie, where their wealth is more wealth than other countries).
xenophobia we see today in our society is the result of a competitive system, like capitalism, workers are pushing us to compete for jobs whenever they destroy more entrepreneurs, owners of the means of production and distribution, are themselves taking advantage of the desperate situation of these migrants for an easier labor exploitation.
Thus we see that xenophobia is a feeling easily usable by the enterprise-class real culprit of our problems as working class, to clash between us and not to our real enemies and not afraid to talk about confrontation while a minority of society but, by contrast, collects most of the wealth, taking advantage of us follow.
In this sense, we see the various governments, State executive bodies, encouraging the entrepreneurial class that no longer needs to hide that governs us (IMF, World Bank, ECB ... are organs que nos dictan las políticas económicas). Vemos, pues, que el Estado, órgano para la perpetuación de los privilegios sociales de les empresaries, elabora políticas que alientan el racismo y la xenofobia para aumentar la conflictividad interna de nuestra clase.
Vemos también que en esta sociedad legalista, cuando existe un problema, se cree que lo mejor es resolverlo con la ley, con la represión, así es como se justifica que miles de trabajadores, todos los días, sean controlades por los miembros de una de las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado, la Policía Nacional, por el mero hecho de tener un color distinto de piel o un acento extraño, contrario a lo que dicen sus propias leyes de no discriminación por motivos de raza o procedencia, así es como se justifica que cientes de inmigrantes sean encarcelades en los Centros de Internamiento de Extranjeres, auténticas cárceles para quienes su mayor delito es no haber nacido en la Europa de la libertad… de mercado.
Ante todas estas agresiones, entendemos que nos queda nuestra organización como clase, organización indiscriminada de natives o migrantes, con la única motivación de eliminar la social inequality generated by the unjust distribution of wealth, ownership of the means of production and distribution, and to fight against the principle of authority resulting in the delegation prevailing in our society, always leave the resolution of our problems foreign hands, as with the case of xenophobia and racism, leaving its resolution in the hands of the same governments that subsequently are shown as aggressors. We therefore propose our self-organization without leaders, without a vanguard, an anarchist organization to leave the decisions to be in the hands of the bases and not middle or upper bodies tell us what to do, because nobody should be the one to impose justice or social injustice, especially knowing that the power generated defects among those who hold it, eventually committing these injustices that are intended to fight (and that when, honestly, it is proposed to combat them) is We are in favor of anarchist federalism Direct Action, action without intermediary between us and them causing our problems. We also see the inconsistency in any fight, with open hands to receive the crumbs of one who seeks to destroy: the State. On the contrary, we believe in our self-financing and self-management of our organizations, to maintain the autonomy of our decision does not depend on outside bodies.
understand that the struggle by other means in this or any other social problem, is to reproduce the same mistakes and do not solve them, leave them there latent, since the only way to destroy them is to destroy the economic and social system that generates: Capitalism and the State, through a genuine social revolution and not only political-economic or sad and gradual reforms.
against racism, capitalism that generates
And the state protects and carries it! "
How Do You Space Curtain Rod Hangers
The string theory of trade unionism.
The following is a text published by the Young Anarchist Leon:
Now you hear echoes of strike, re-emerging from certain sectors autointitulados as "alternative" new voices to the unity of action. We, staunch defenders of the unit as the best tool in the fight, we present our views to these claims time and heard before.
Action Unit
"Once they told me
The wrongs lose the sense of distance
and over time, all
see it on a plane. "
The wrongs lose the sense of distance
and over time, all
see it on a plane. "
We, unlike other organizations of the trade union situation and social, do not understand the unity of action as separate from the unity of theory or debate unit. We believe that the theory and practice should be linked closely, because all action must bring back a theory that justifies any theory must checked for its implementation and any action, or any implementation, reflection and discussion should post, finding strengths and loose, to avoid the same mistakes or to repeat the successes. For us, then, the unit of action is either a call to activism irrational without unique positioning, or a call to repeat old mistakes.
believe that unity of action, meaning we have referred, as irrational activism, only comes to perpetuating the conflict situation, because by not sharing a theory not shared objectives, a conflict that is inherent in any system hierarchies, and therefore, we, as anarchists, we refuse to share unit with whom he seeks to perpetuate the status quo. This is achieved because no a constant struggle, but merely spontaneous or sporadic, is not got no change, therefore, that unity of action is equivalent to unit circumstantial, as it referred to partner García Rúa 1.
We can not understand, thus, any unit who do not share a theory, a way of understanding the social struggle or a series of goals, both short-, medium or long term.
About institutionalizing alternative unionism as a
"The guillotine always come from the north
south over"
south over"
reject all the so-called "alternative unionism" or all the "social left." The alternative unionism, both in its etymology as in practice, is the alternate, ie, changing or improving something. In this case, what changes or alternating stands of the Union and thereby improving the system of representation. If you enter a criticism or a color in a system, this system is perfected, but not destroyed.
In this regard, theorists the physics of string theory enunciated succeeds in full, as the union representative is not a single point or atom, but it is a string that takes place in several dimensions: the majority union, the second largest trade union, trade union Alternatively, the national union nationalist trade unionism, syndicalism corporate ... So each of them moves the very essence delegation to each of the social fields or dimensions should be developed (the sector "socialist" sector "communist" sector "anarchist" sector "nationalist", the sector "nationalist" sector "Christian" sector "classless getting people "...) discontented sectors of a move to another dimension without removing its representative nature.
The "alternative union" representative trade union improves but does not eliminate, that is why it tends to perpetuate it, making it stronger external attack or even to introduce into its bosom those external attacks within unionism as representing all the speeches are valid, which is no longer valid is all kinds of practices. Those are the practices that tend to destroy such as the conscious and continuous.
In a system of delegation, any type of horizontal tends to get lost, this loss of horizontal leads, of course, a hierarchy and a delete function to the lower or base, this elimination of functions in the basis leads to a stupor, a demobilization, delegation, representation. The mobilization of these bases will only be possible when so hierarchies opinion because the bases can not decide on the domes as they are demobilized or no capacity to decide, not for nothing are, in this case, nonfunctional, and therefore mobilization of these bases in these hierarchies is not only principle but also in order, as this is the hierarchy that sets the reasons for mobilization and their targets. We found then that the mobilization of union representation is unrelated to the bases, in this case, the working class. Something that is embodied in the recent case of the last general strike, which was not any assembly job that is positioned on the appropriateness of calling or not even told not to groups or unions of the "periphery", ie the lower ranks, provincial or local.
not want, nor can we
"We're all that and more,
all you want,
without worrying
least. "
all you want,
without worrying
least. "
We then see that it is not simply a theoretical or ideological matter, it is a question of implementation of decision-making mechanisms. Thus, while some are limited to deciding from offices and armchairs why, when, how and why move, others need a horizontal process, since we have not received any mandate from anyone to decide for him or anyone we have given ours . No process is "slow" but horizontal and adapted to social reality. It is a failure to call the strike who unwilling to make, and this is not like cooking or sex of that "test and we see", but when it calls a strike should be done with full conviction that it will serve some purpose, that will be effective. And the effectiveness of strikes becomes, essentially, among other important factors, follow-up.
certainly can sound outdated or unrealistic to refer to indefinite strikes as unique effective control method, but it is equally true that it is unrealistic to pretend that a strike be of some when the two people summoned on behalf of several million workers, unemployed, students and retirees. For us it is not utopian talk about how they have to do things because they say as they do not mean we believe you can do now. To indefinite strikes or get strong horizontal Organizations need a great deal of evidence that we are not left out, although there are some you can. Now up to us to follow him play, because it is not ours.
Diego where I say I say
"Temple of good citizens.
The children are tortured until they confess
his first lie "
The children are tortured until they confess
his first lie "
Finally, we can not do denouncing the apparent hypocrisy of working political gesture and the realization of the authoritarian spirit which means that organizations now tend separatists alleged ties to the unit, unmasked the false unity.
hypocrisy because it is false to speak of unity to someone you have separated voluntarily. Political because it is a gesture of electioneering to proclaim unity in the knowledge that this, at best, is circumstantial, because it is authoritative reference to imposing a positioning unit that once, when that unit was, were minority.
Ultimately, denounced the strike call attempt by autointitulado Organizations "alternative unionism" referenced at the moment, split by sector and re-splitting of anarcho-syndicalism, is but a subtle move and gesture electioneering. Well, do not use the strike as a tool of struggle but as a means of propaganda, transmitting a distorted picture of reality.
Anarchist Leon Young (FIXED)
Least Painful Brazilian Waxed Rochester Ny
Canary Association
I am delighted to make this entry. A few months ago Comrade Gonzalo González, president of the Association Sojos told me the ability to make a picture to the gallery of the band's official website. The site has just been released and has been exciting to see my work alongside that of other major English illustrators. I leave a link to the gallery SojoS
I´m glad of posting this. The president of Sojos asociation, in Canary Islands, told me some time ago if I´d like to do an Illustration for the future website of his group. Now, that website is open, and I could see my work, between the work of other great artists from Spain. Here is a link to the Sojos´ gallery
I am delighted to make this entry. A few months ago Comrade Gonzalo González, president of the Association Sojos told me the ability to make a picture to the gallery of the band's official website. The site has just been released and has been exciting to see my work alongside that of other major English illustrators. I leave a link to the gallery SojoS
I´m glad of posting this. The president of Sojos asociation, in Canary Islands, told me some time ago if I´d like to do an Illustration for the future website of his group. Now, that website is open, and I could see my work, between the work of other great artists from Spain. Here is a link to the Sojos´ gallery
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Lethal Doses Of Ketorolac
2011 SojoS next projects coming, soon or later
Here´s the first image I publish about my "secret" project of the past year. It´s the first page of a terror graphic novel. It goes on, people.
The illustration is clever, isn´t it?
And this is the last one, But Not the less important. It'sa digital project about the expo, with galleries and the Possibility of making comments, maybe Including works of Other People, too. Hope you expect all this.
Well, here are three images concerning projects in progress. I hope they wait with impatience, and which may end soon.
Here´s the first image I publish about my "secret" project of the past year. It´s the first page of a terror graphic novel. It goes on, people.
The illustration is clever, isn´t it?
And this is the last one, But Not the less important. It'sa digital project about the expo, with galleries and the Possibility of making comments, maybe Including works of Other People, too. Hope you expect all this.
Well, here are three images concerning projects in progress. I hope they wait with impatience, and which may end soon.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
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