Sunday, July 11, 2010

Iron On Transfersflames

Time passes.

Every day I wake, I see the window and the view opens to a Vivaldi field we have, I realize as time goes by and society is transformed . When I was little field was filled with grass and stones as they had left the nature, after the passage of years near the ground so that people could not enter, settle or worse appropriate the same to the poor.

from my window I see dramatic as first-hand picture, there glowing at night with bright movement, leave the window to see this area as an area of \u200b\u200bgames and see it as a value purchasing if you have a problem should occur, in order to sell it. I also see as we play a difficult time where you can not buy things as in the past, wage restricts you to live in a comfortable but a day.

I think all these battles that open in the field and my childhood friends and cousins, now in real life book looking for ways to bring money home to live comfortably if not, Descent. I complained, but sometimes I say as my grandparents had many children and I could keep and that I have a daughter that I love with all my heart, I can only give a good life for her, because having two children, the amounts would not be the same.

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The thing about social networks

is great to find several people who remembered not for social media networks such as the 2.0 generation, you realize that people you meet at other stages of your life are still present. That left a mark on their lives for any action that may trigger the effect of search on your person.

But really go forward with this type of platform, connecting you to places unknown to the human mind. Do I mean by that, is very easy simple examples we Mária I know by name it, but Louis and Mary knows she does not know that I know Luis other circumstance or event so that if we used a network and saw the list of friends together, we never learn that Mary knows Luis and I know them both. Resulting in a very strange feeling so you never know what you know and that know one another and the other to you. Is redundant, but spectacular. I'm thinking if the chain goes global at some point in life, making me think that if people I know have a preference for people who have the same traits, characteristics or attributes of other people who will know later in the course of life. This question is very exciting. So if someday I get to discover they are I will tell everyone.