Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Computer Freezes While Using Vuze

rage against the orders of Social Control in Alcobendas, Sanse, Salamanca and elsewhere. General Strike

Because repression by municipalities and Alcobendas Sanse through the servile Local Police dogs found interesting this text Midnight Light Anarchist Group alleging the specific situation of Salamanca with the bylaws, which closely resembles the situation in our localities. It's time to self-organized and take back the streets. Against the bylaws, here and everywhere:


That has hundreds of laws trying to regulate every aspect of our lives, far from being a progress toward a more comfortable, is an instrument of social brutalization that sooner or later affect us all. This is clear to see, with a bit of memory, like the fact that most laws have not improved any area of \u200b\u200bsocial life, in contrast, has worsened, giving the paradox that the more stupid rules we get, seem to need more stupid rules. This "seem" obviously does not include those who make the rules, because the rules are not meant to write them.

And is that regulations and laws do not affect everyone equally. While there is money involved, regulations and laws are flexible, and nobody, except
honorable exceptions, seems shocked by it. You can not drink alcohol in the street, unless the alcohol is drunk on a terrace to the council taxpayer is
say, you can drink alcohol in the street if that pay exorbitant salary of the mayor.

Part of the city ordinance intended to violate the most fundamental rights delas people recognized even in the constitution. So the police can enter any premises
investigate and home if you suspect is abusing any article of any municipal ordinance. The difference is that previously required court order. Now the Town Hall becomes the investigator, prosecutor and judge, as could happen any dictatorship. At least now they can not condemn to death on suspicion of having "enguarrado" the city with political graffiti.

That's another. It seems that graffiti is the worst that can happen to the city. The whole discourse of city ordinances against antisocial behavior and cleanliness seem to revolve around keeping the city "clean and orderly." It is true that the graffiti and posters "enguarran" the city, but its use in this case is a distraction strain to such restrictive regulations that touch, as we saw before with a dictatorship. Ask

authorized sites to put up posters is to recognize that the city is the only one who has authority to regulate the placement of posters, especially when the same council which puts them in places where, according to its own ordinance is forbidden, certainly you can see many posters sponsored by the city. Is an obvious fact that the city, far from safeguarding the interests of citizens, ensures its own interests (a proof is that they have the estimate of what it collects in fines as part of the budget), although there sites paste propaganda, entrusted with your cleaning service to remove, as it does now, all signs that they annoy you, respecting the rest. And that, although posters never hit because you think it enguarrar the city, it affects you. It affects you because only you can express certain opinions in a limited and tightly controlled media (do you think that newspapers are independent of any political-economic power?). It affects you because they do not merely regulate things objectively "dirty" but that legislate on such things as distributing leaflets, and here we return to the dictatorial regime. We said that to sneak this distract us with an alleged "hooliganism" and the need to have a flawless image of the city, is that while regulating these things, let the builders do at home (with quiet neighbors with these laws at first were against the "hooligans" and ignore them the media they control)., as happened recently in the street Alarcón, or as happened a time when millions in fines forgiven some builders. And the police can investigate anything it pleases, without a warrant, may enter our privacy, according to those standards. "If you have not done anything wrong, you have nothing to fear", you could repeat yourself, but it is only a delusion. Investigate citizens 'normal', but never are going to search the house of the mayor, or one of his friends builders.

municipal ordinance brutalizes us, makes us think that we can not make a normal life if a guy armed behind watching us, when the law that created this need. The ordinance is to get us scared. If everything is regulated, it is very easy to skip any standard, and be punished (if you're a builder, or sleep in one of the local newspapers, you can ignore the latter).

Finally, we mean that as free people, in spite of the Municipal Corporation, will continue to act in consciousness, not necessarily obeying his, as we have seen, discriminatory and stupid policy, made specifically to kill consciences and turn the city into his den particular business.

Group Midnight Light "

Libertarian thence North we sympathize with peers while Salamanca denounced the repression exercised by the Sanse different police forces and Alcobendas in the days before the strike in order to try to curb the spread of that call.

Libertarian North


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