First they came for those who download music and movies from the Internet. And I do not download or music or movies from the Internet, I said nothing.
Then they came for those with websites and blogs with links to downloads. And I had no website or blog with no links to downloads, I did not speak.
Then they came for those with websites and blogs in which they spoke ill of Ramoncín, Teddy Bautista or SGAE. And since I did not speak ill of Ramoncín, Teddy Bautista or SGAE, I did not speak.
Then they came for me. And then there was no one to say anything.
First, that Martin Niemöller forgive me for this caricature of his famous words. And once ordered the obligatory apology, what good is it going? Well, if you live in Spain as the author of this blog, the thing is clear, is the so-called Law Sinde. So-called because it is not law, but a section brashly placed in another law more broadly, the Law of Sustainable Economy, which theoretical intention, moreover, is not to protect intellectual property rights, but to articulate the steps to get us out of crisis. But as opening a debate about what specifically would first unpopular, they tested well, and if school, school.
If you live in any other country, no matter, because if your government was not such recent legislative initiative are probably already thinking about it. Unless you're Brazilian, of course, because there seems that this issue is on a different course , more in line with the century in which we live. What a great country, by the way, despite all its flaws and problems, Brazil. First you stand up to the pharmaceutical and led the movement for free generic patents. The corporate world will deal with pirates, but they persevered and eventually triumphed. Now I stand up openly to the mafias that seek to control the culture and distribution, just as the rest of the world follow their vain attempt to protect a market dictated that technology has rendered obsolete. Anyway, at least some realize that century we live and act accordingly. What if people like Sinde out, even travel in proceedings would use gas and light for light.
But back to the topic at hand, and the phrase Niemöller, the issue is at stake is more serious than just the innocent act of downloading a song sneaking Internet to pay a fee to a pair of singers passed fashion have made this their only income. It affects, however, our freedoms. The right not to be treated as criminals for using a technology. Then we can talk about whether it is ethical or not subject to exchange files copyrigth. Personally, as a fan of underground culture, when I remember the days before the P2P, the fruitless searches at flea markets and thrift stores, I can not more to say nice things about what some call, too lightly, piracy. But that did not talk about here, but as we try to sneak some censorship by the back door.
Because that is what this act of censorship. That we follow like sheep consuming corporate culture that we packaged as fashion: the best-selling fashion, singer fashion, fashion movie ... had always worked well, and so would still work if the technology had not put a powerful tool in the hands of the average consumer, enabling you effortlessly explore other markets, other areas of culture. That, in addition to obviously lose a lot of money to those that every season we launch the product fashion, scary. Frightens those who want transit culture in safe paths. They do not want to read the populace according to things, according to see movies, listen to according to singers. So far, the counterculture was known only to the minority that paying attention to minority channels. But technology has enabled the start counter infiltralse without control (because one day we should talk about what happens when the counter is tamed by corporations) in the cultural mainstream majority. And that, make no mistake, scared. Frightening.
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