difficult, almost impossible to find today, this special studies Hanna Barbera for ABC of 1987 contains about two hours interpretations of the famous artists of animation factory inspired some of the most famous songs of the decades of the 50, 60, 70 and 80. Two hours in which the artists of the famous factory strung psychedelic music video after music video, and spectacular images.

music, I think it goes without saying, is not original. Are recreations, performed by musicians of legendary hits of the decades mentioned. Interpretations, so yes, very good and respectful to the originals. But without doubt the most impressive are the images that accompany the music. Images that transport you to a dream world, psychedelic, in which music, as the narrator repeatedly reminds us, a talking jukebox machine, the original version with the voice of Scatman Crothers, says it all.

This work is shrouded in legend. Apparently, ABC, frightened by the disturbing images, did not dare to broadcast it, and since this theory yet published. Is very little information on the Web is about, and without exception it classifies as unprecedented for sale to the public. However, it has been issued occasionally by television from outside the USA. English television was issued in 92 or 93, not remember now exactly, and that time is the recording, VHS tape, which I keep as gold cloth, and on which I rely to write this article.

Truth is not surprising that shocked the moral yankee. The suggestions, thinly veiled, the other two entities, along with the rock, make up the most famous trinity of our time, especially sex and drugs, are continuous. Many of the animations that accompany the music, especially in the chapter devoted to the 60, only understandable by basing the filter of psychotropics. Even in a scene you can see two "sugar cubes" sailing by the river blood of one of the characters, just before one of the most amazing sequences in the film, which accompanies the performance of "Purple Haze." Who does not realize at that moment that we are talking about LSD, honesty is not going the whole movie. In short, a masterpiece that has hitherto remained closed to the general public, except one who had the luck, the way I did, you can see it in a television broadcast at odd hours just advertised. A real shame.
This article was originally published on the web Mondofriki on 10/12/2005. The accompanying images are frame captures of the television broadcast referred to therein.
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