Cantinflas, His Excellency
The brilliant and never sufficiently recognized Mexican comedian Mario Moreno, Cantinflas , has addressed on several occasions of a social satire and political, always with remarkable results. Perhaps one of its most successful interventions in this field is His Excellency , where he gives us his particular vision of the Cold War, and relations of major powers with the Third World.
In this film, Cantinflas plays one of his endearing losers, Lopitos, gray embassy official in Los Cocos, an imaginary Latin American banana republic, the capital of Pepeslavia, hypothetical republic of Eastern Europe in communist times . Through a series of comic twist of fate, Lopitos is promoted to ambassador just a key moment in international relations. In the capital of Pepeslavia is about to take place An international conference aimed at ending the Cold War, by the method of putting to a vote among the various countries the system by which to govern the world since then, communism or capitalism. In this situation, the voice of the Third World countries is suddenly of paramount importance, as it is their votes which opted a scale matched between the two blocs, and especially that of the republic of Los Cocos, whose government does not signals have decided their position on the eve of important events.
Suddenly Lopitos is, without eating or drinking, the man of the hour, besieged by the media center and all possible political intrigue. The events will be going to insane pace. Cantinflas is proud of its ability, in the words of one character, "talking a lot and say nothing" to get your character successfully copes with the various agents of the various powers trying to coax the meaning of their vote .
The film has memorable scenes, such as the gala dinner at the Embassy of Los Cocos, in which, at the same pace as the dishes from the menu, the tickers are being served reporting of successive coups that are taking place as both the host country, and especially the grand finale Lopitos speech in front of the UN Assembly, which, at any time without losing the humorous tone, makes a devastating critique both communists and capitalists, and the relationship of the blocks with the Third World, just before the unveil the best kept secret of the film, the meaning of his vote, desvelare not here, of course. You'll have to see the movie to find out. No doubt enjoy a film that will make you laugh, and will also make you think.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Change To Cat On Oovoo
The Freaks
Without doubt one of the bizarre horror classic, Freaks (The Freaks) of Tod Browning is one of those films that must be present in the library of every geek lovers. Released in 1932 , tells the story of a circus trapeze artist, aware that one of the dwarfs of the show is the lucky recipient of a million-dollar inheritance, it is proposed to seduce him, once converted to his wife, kill him and enjoy his fortune as a merry widow. Unfortunately, other monsters of the show soon discover their plans, and determined to defend the interests of one of their own, to take his revenge, a revenge that will demonstrate that there are things far worse than death.
Without doubt, the highlight of this movie, and what has become known to maintain its aura of controversy to this day, is the fact that everything on screen is really true . Here there are no special effects or makeup tricks that are worth. All the cast are real monsters who made cripples exhibiting their deformity life circus that serves as the framework for action. Browning presents us with great ease, and even romance, so grotesque scenes such as the husband of one of the Siamese twins, who are accustomed to the inevitable presence of his sister even more intimate situations.
Perhaps most famous scene from the film is the welcome dinner club monsters of the beautiful wife of billionaire dwarf, in which a large glass of punch is from slug to slug monster mouth mouth de monstruo, para finalmente ser ofrecida a la homenajeada, la cual, al rechazar con asco tan gran honor, sella su fatal destino. Una película que, a pesar de los muchos años transcurridos desde su estreno, aun hoy puede provocar algún escalofrío en estómagos poco curtidos. Una obra maestra de visionado obligatorio si de verdad quieres llegar a algo en esto del frikismo.
Without doubt one of the bizarre horror classic, Freaks (The Freaks) of Tod Browning is one of those films that must be present in the library of every geek lovers. Released in 1932 , tells the story of a circus trapeze artist, aware that one of the dwarfs of the show is the lucky recipient of a million-dollar inheritance, it is proposed to seduce him, once converted to his wife, kill him and enjoy his fortune as a merry widow. Unfortunately, other monsters of the show soon discover their plans, and determined to defend the interests of one of their own, to take his revenge, a revenge that will demonstrate that there are things far worse than death.
Without doubt, the highlight of this movie, and what has become known to maintain its aura of controversy to this day, is the fact that everything on screen is really true . Here there are no special effects or makeup tricks that are worth. All the cast are real monsters who made cripples exhibiting their deformity life circus that serves as the framework for action. Browning presents us with great ease, and even romance, so grotesque scenes such as the husband of one of the Siamese twins, who are accustomed to the inevitable presence of his sister even more intimate situations.
Perhaps most famous scene from the film is the welcome dinner club monsters of the beautiful wife of billionaire dwarf, in which a large glass of punch is from slug to slug monster mouth mouth de monstruo, para finalmente ser ofrecida a la homenajeada, la cual, al rechazar con asco tan gran honor, sella su fatal destino. Una película que, a pesar de los muchos años transcurridos desde su estreno, aun hoy puede provocar algún escalofrío en estómagos poco curtidos. Una obra maestra de visionado obligatorio si de verdad quieres llegar a algo en esto del frikismo.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Which Sold The Small Motorcycle
Censorship brings us the future, third.
Quisiera, de momento, terminar esta pequeña serie sobre las leyes liberticidas que se estan aprobando últimamente para intentar controlar Internet, leyes abocadas al fracaso por tanto que lo que intentan es frenar un nuevo paradigma surgido del avance tecnológico, invitandoos a escuchar aténtamente esta interesante conferencia. The speaker is Carlos Sánchez Almeida, and took place on March 3, 2010, at the School of Telecommunications Engineers of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. I recommend listening.
At the moment it's all about the matter. Blog shortly return to his usual themes focused on popular culture and its expressions in parentheses after this necessary to address an issue that I think concerns us all.
Quisiera, de momento, terminar esta pequeña serie sobre las leyes liberticidas que se estan aprobando últimamente para intentar controlar Internet, leyes abocadas al fracaso por tanto que lo que intentan es frenar un nuevo paradigma surgido del avance tecnológico, invitandoos a escuchar aténtamente esta interesante conferencia. The speaker is Carlos Sánchez Almeida, and took place on March 3, 2010, at the School of Telecommunications Engineers of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. I recommend listening.
At the moment it's all about the matter. Blog shortly return to his usual themes focused on popular culture and its expressions in parentheses after this necessary to address an issue that I think concerns us all.
Friday, March 19, 2010
How Do You Get Rid Of Descending Colon Pain
Censorship brings us the future, part two.
Let me aside for a moment the usual themes of this blog, to address an issue of concern. A few days ago opened also in this blog a thread to discuss the so-called Sinde Act, a law on the pretext of fighting against what they call the "scourge of piracy," sought to create an administrative jurisdiction before the courts, so that complaints against websites that provide links to shared digital copies of audio-visual materials could be intercepted "preventively", without any judicial authorization required so far. The excuse is that the justice system had collapsed and was too slow. The truth is that those files were being processed efficiently and without delays worth mentioning, but what happened is than usual, if not normal, is that to be resolved against the interests of the plaintiff, ie, stakeholders in the closure of such sites.
Tonight, on the eve of a holiday in many of the regions that make up Spain, it has proceeded to adopt such a controversial measure. Almost hidden, without the necessary debate so far-reaching measures required. By Night and treachery, as the classics of the genre say police. Each time we are more accustomed to administrative provisions amending, or repealing laws cut fundamental rights. Civil society can not remain impassive in the face of these abuses, or any day we will wake up in a dictatorship. That is why I invite the English readers (since it is a English law) of this humble blog to join the peaceful protest actions, as free citizens protected by law, we are entitled to carry out. In particular, they wrote and signed the manifesto of the Federation of Consumers and Users denouncing this legislation. You can find the position of the association explained in this link:
https: / /
and join the show in the following: https
: / / / en / sieslegaleslegal / index.php
When the power is to abuse the citizen was not only the right but the obligation of the latter join the ranks of civil disobedience. At stake are more important things to listen to music online, even if they want to convince us otherwise.
Let me aside for a moment the usual themes of this blog, to address an issue of concern. A few days ago opened also in this blog a thread to discuss the so-called Sinde Act, a law on the pretext of fighting against what they call the "scourge of piracy," sought to create an administrative jurisdiction before the courts, so that complaints against websites that provide links to shared digital copies of audio-visual materials could be intercepted "preventively", without any judicial authorization required so far. The excuse is that the justice system had collapsed and was too slow. The truth is that those files were being processed efficiently and without delays worth mentioning, but what happened is than usual, if not normal, is that to be resolved against the interests of the plaintiff, ie, stakeholders in the closure of such sites.
Tonight, on the eve of a holiday in many of the regions that make up Spain, it has proceeded to adopt such a controversial measure. Almost hidden, without the necessary debate so far-reaching measures required. By Night and treachery, as the classics of the genre say police. Each time we are more accustomed to administrative provisions amending, or repealing laws cut fundamental rights. Civil society can not remain impassive in the face of these abuses, or any day we will wake up in a dictatorship. That is why I invite the English readers (since it is a English law) of this humble blog to join the peaceful protest actions, as free citizens protected by law, we are entitled to carry out. In particular, they wrote and signed the manifesto of the Federation of Consumers and Users denouncing this legislation. You can find the position of the association explained in this link:
https: / /
and join the show in the following: https
: / / / en / sieslegaleslegal / index.php
When the power is to abuse the citizen was not only the right but the obligation of the latter join the ranks of civil disobedience. At stake are more important things to listen to music online, even if they want to convince us otherwise.
also add a link to imagine known as Manifesto in Defense of Fundamental Rights in Internet . On a day like today, it must be remembered.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
What Happened With Monica Roccaforte
Watchmen (the comic)
Everyone knees, please ...
Between 1986 and 1987 was published which is considered one of the best superhero comics there: Watchmen, a series of 12 numbers using script of Alan Moore and drawn by Dave Gibbons , is anything but a comic book superhero power. The action takes place in an alternate reality in which the U.S. would have won the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal would not have come to produce, among other differences with the real world. In this world, figuratively, in a scenario that the author places in New York and in 1985, in a pessimistic environment, crime and misery in the streets, and voices announcing the imminence of World War III in the news, elapses twilight existence of a group of former superheroes.
Watcmen is an authentic masterpiece of the genre. Winner of numerous awards, including the 1988 Hugo Award in the category of Other formats, the only graphic novel to date has received this prestigious award today, Watcmen capture the reader's attention quickly, immersing you in suspense growing up to a spectacular and surprising final. The dramatic pauses at the end of each of the twelve chapters maintain the suspense, and characters are defined expertise. At the end of each chapter is an annex, which introduces the reader to a document (newspaper articles, police records, etc.) To which reference has been made in history, and that extends the understanding of it , to define the context in which takes place more accurately.
In history there are two well-defined groups of superheroes, because they belong to two successive generations. As members of the first generation, which act between the decades of 30 and 40 we find the following characters:
Como miembros de una segunda generación, que actuaría durante los años 60 hasta mediados de los 70, cuando la actividad de héroe enmascarado quedaría prohibida por ley, encontramos a los siguientes personajes:
Rorschach. Personaje obsesivo y fanático, Rosrschach actúa en el mismo entorno y con métodos similares a los de los detectives más duros de la novela negra. También su indumentaria (gabardina y sombrero) recuerda a estos personajes. La única diferencia es la mascara, que le cubre completamente la cara no dejándonos ver ni siquiera los ojos del personaje, y que sigue un diseño de manchas negras symmetrical on a white background as the psychological test that takes its name from the character. The design of these patches changes with the situation, giving a glimpse of the character expression, whose face is always hidden, and whose identity will not be revealed until late in the story. Your situation is the outlaw, and he refused to obey the law prohibiting heroic activities, and continued his career in the underground.
Little can
In short, a real masterpiece of the genre.
Watcmen is an authentic masterpiece of the genre. Winner of numerous awards, including the 1988 Hugo Award in the category of Other formats, the only graphic novel to date has received this prestigious award today, Watcmen capture the reader's attention quickly, immersing you in suspense growing up to a spectacular and surprising final. The dramatic pauses at the end of each of the twelve chapters maintain the suspense, and characters are defined expertise. At the end of each chapter is an annex, which introduces the reader to a document (newspaper articles, police records, etc.) To which reference has been made in history, and that extends the understanding of it , to define the context in which takes place more accurately.
In history there are two well-defined groups of superheroes, because they belong to two successive generations. As members of the first generation, which act between the decades of 30 and 40 we find the following characters:
Nite Owl I . Their appearance and clothing clearly recall a classic character of the genre: The Phantom (The masked man) as he is accompanied by a dog, which bears the misleading name of Phantom nothing. Author of a memoir which reveals some of the murkier aspects of the private lives of some masked heroes.
Silk Phantom I . More often referenced in history by his civilian name, Sally Jupiter, is a woman with a reputation for frivolous. With fits of diva, uses his superhero career as a means to get famous enough to make the leap to Hollywood. Mother of a daughter who instruct en la carrera de heroína enmascarada.
Como miembros de una segunda generación, que actuaría durante los años 60 hasta mediados de los 70, cuando la actividad de héroe enmascarado quedaría prohibida por ley, encontramos a los siguientes personajes:
Rorschach. Personaje obsesivo y fanático, Rosrschach actúa en el mismo entorno y con métodos similares a los de los detectives más duros de la novela negra. También su indumentaria (gabardina y sombrero) recuerda a estos personajes. La única diferencia es la mascara, que le cubre completamente la cara no dejándonos ver ni siquiera los ojos del personaje, y que sigue un diseño de manchas negras symmetrical on a white background as the psychological test that takes its name from the character. The design of these patches changes with the situation, giving a glimpse of the character expression, whose face is always hidden, and whose identity will not be revealed until late in the story. Your situation is the outlaw, and he refused to obey the law prohibiting heroic activities, and continued his career in the underground.
Nite Owl II. If the first Nite Owl was clearly the ghost walks, there can be no doubt that the latter is a clone of Batman: a suit of similar design, host of technological gadgets, a secret hideout under the foundations of his house, obsession with the nocturnal world, domination of normal personality for his masked alter-ego to the point of affecting their sexual fantasies ... forced to retire by the law of prohibition, misses his glory days as a superhero.
Doctor Manhattan. The only person in history who has true powers, the result of classical radiation accident in the laboratory. Able to master the art levels of quantum physics, is practically a god almighty. However, that power makes you lose all capacity for emotional empathy with society as it is able to see past, present and future as a whole, and is convinced that everything is fleeting, and ultimately, useless. He is depicted as a bald man with blue skin (color which further emphasize the coldness of thought of the character) look nearly always deadpan and that except in rare cases appears completely naked. Because of its great power, was released from the obligation to withdraw on condition his powers to government service.
Silk Phantom II. daughter of the first Phantom of Silk and an unknown father (the mystery of whose identity is a subplot in its own right in the story), and the girlfriend of Dr. Manhattan, was trained by her mother since childhood to succeed her in the "family business." As a result, is now a MILF with no job and no more old friends superheroes forced to withdraw as herself, resentful for having wasted his adolescence locked up in a gym training to become a superwoman, and youth dressed jumping across rooftops carnival.
Ozymandias. Considered the world's smartest man, foreseeing the social difficulties that inevitably end up dealing with superheroes, he retired at the height of his fame, before the law forced the withdrawal superheroes, setting up a company to exploit commercially his image of a superhero. Today is a millionaire patron.
Finally, making generational bridge between the two groups, we found the character of The Comedian, the youngest of the first group and the oldest of the latter. The Comedian avoid forced removal to access work orders from Washington, like Dr. Manhattan. His work for them is to act as a paramilitary mercenaries in conflict zones. Character cynical, amoral and utterly unscrupulous, with a totally nihilistic philosophy of life, violence has found a way of life.
Little can
have the argument without destroying the suspense and misery inevitably reading of the work, so I'll be very brief: it starts with the murder of the last character we talked, The Comedian. Police believe it was the work of a thief, but Rorschach doubt that a thief could just kill a career of violence as a comedian. Convinced that there is something darker behind, start to investigate on their own. To do this contact with their former comrades. From here, the story begins to come to life and become increasingly complex.
The narrative language uses numerous flashback to define elements of the past condition the present, resources seem trivial in a chapter can become a key a couple of chapters later, the story branches out into numerous subplots independent argument, which, however, gradually fitting together like a puzzle just to give an overview single final. And the end is spectacular and completely unexpected.
In short, a real masterpiece of the genre.
Note. I originally wrote this article in the days before the premiere of the film based on the comic above. For those who only know the movie, I can only recommend reading the work as originally conceived. Are sure to clarify many points not too clear of the argument.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Rotating Closet Carousel
Who can kill a child? Basket
Undoubtedly, Spain is known more for Narciso "Chicho 'Ibáñez Serrador in his role as producer of television shows and competitions. This character, however, has a second aspect, less known perhaps, but certainly much more interesting: the horror film director, with movies as disturbing as "Who can kill a child?" , authentic movie cult of the genre, released in 1976 . Controversial films in his day was banned in many countries, including, of course, Spain itself, and that it still be banned in civilized places such as Finland. But what is it about this film to cause such a stir? In
Who can kill a child? assist the misadventures of a tourist couple, her heavily pregnant (important detail for one of the most gruesome scenes in the movie) when your dream vacation become a nightmare child. Our tourists reach a remote island off the coast of the Mediterranean, ready to settle in a small town. The film shows the typical village of white houses that appear on postcards, with bright sunshine (the action of the film is interesting to point out, elapses to daylight) calm sea, etc. We, the typical tropical paradise were it not for the fact you do not see a soul anywhere. The town seems abandoned and left in a hurry too. But they soon find that it is not.
Indeed, suddenly begin to appear around the sea of \u200b\u200bstrange children who do not speak, just look, laugh and leave it running without bajini word. The proto and start getting flies when the first adult, an old-looking to be scared shitless. But before we can tell what happens, one of the kids come and grind it with a stick, laughing, as if the game more fun in the world.
From here, the players began to investigate and discover that all the village children have become psychokillers and are loaded all adults in the village. Memorable scene about the piñata. The players obviously attempting to escape. But, needless to say, children are not going to give away just like that. At the end ... but I better not tell you. Rather than see it. Surely you looked the other way after seeing her tender infant.
All children in charge: blood, blood
Undoubtedly, Spain is known more for Narciso "Chicho 'Ibáñez Serrador in his role as producer of television shows and competitions. This character, however, has a second aspect, less known perhaps, but certainly much more interesting: the horror film director, with movies as disturbing as "Who can kill a child?" , authentic movie cult of the genre, released in 1976 . Controversial films in his day was banned in many countries, including, of course, Spain itself, and that it still be banned in civilized places such as Finland. But what is it about this film to cause such a stir? In
Who can kill a child? assist the misadventures of a tourist couple, her heavily pregnant (important detail for one of the most gruesome scenes in the movie) when your dream vacation become a nightmare child. Our tourists reach a remote island off the coast of the Mediterranean, ready to settle in a small town. The film shows the typical village of white houses that appear on postcards, with bright sunshine (the action of the film is interesting to point out, elapses to daylight) calm sea, etc. We, the typical tropical paradise were it not for the fact you do not see a soul anywhere. The town seems abandoned and left in a hurry too. But they soon find that it is not.
Indeed, suddenly begin to appear around the sea of \u200b\u200bstrange children who do not speak, just look, laugh and leave it running without bajini word. The proto and start getting flies when the first adult, an old-looking to be scared shitless. But before we can tell what happens, one of the kids come and grind it with a stick, laughing, as if the game more fun in the world.
The famous scene of the piñata, a true icon of this movie.
Child Psychopaths surrounding the house where they hide the protagonists.
From here, the players began to investigate and discover that all the village children have become psychokillers and are loaded all adults in the village. Memorable scene about the piñata. The players obviously attempting to escape. But, needless to say, children are not going to give away just like that. At the end ... but I better not tell you. Rather than see it. Surely you looked the other way after seeing her tender infant.
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