In this film, Cantinflas plays one of his endearing losers, Lopitos, gray embassy official in Los Cocos, an imaginary Latin American banana republic, the capital of Pepeslavia, hypothetical republic of Eastern Europe in communist times . Through a series of comic twist of fate, Lopitos is promoted to ambassador just a key moment in international relations. In the capital of Pepeslavia is about to take place An international conference aimed at ending the Cold War, by the method of putting to a vote among the various countries the system by which to govern the world since then, communism or capitalism. In this situation, the voice of the Third World countries is suddenly of paramount importance, as it is their votes which opted a scale matched between the two blocs, and especially that of the republic of Los Cocos, whose government does not signals have decided their position on the eve of important events.
Suddenly Lopitos is, without eating or drinking, the man of the hour, besieged by the media center and all possible political intrigue. The events will be going to insane pace. Cantinflas is proud of its ability, in the words of one character, "talking a lot and say nothing" to get your character successfully copes with the various agents of the various powers trying to coax the meaning of their vote .
The film has memorable scenes, such as the gala dinner at the Embassy of Los Cocos, in which, at the same pace as the dishes from the menu, the tickers are being served reporting of successive coups that are taking place as both the host country, and especially the grand finale Lopitos speech in front of the UN Assembly, which, at any time without losing the humorous tone, makes a devastating critique both communists and capitalists, and the relationship of the blocks with the Third World, just before the unveil the best kept secret of the film, the meaning of his vote, desvelare not here, of course. You'll have to see the movie to find out. No doubt enjoy a film that will make you laugh, and will also make you think.
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