Watcmen is an authentic masterpiece of the genre. Winner of numerous awards, including the 1988 Hugo Award in the category of Other formats, the only graphic novel to date has received this prestigious award today, Watcmen capture the reader's attention quickly, immersing you in suspense growing up to a spectacular and surprising final. The dramatic pauses at the end of each of the twelve chapters maintain the suspense, and characters are defined expertise. At the end of each chapter is an annex, which introduces the reader to a document (newspaper articles, police records, etc.) To which reference has been made in history, and that extends the understanding of it , to define the context in which takes place more accurately.
In history there are two well-defined groups of superheroes, because they belong to two successive generations. As members of the first generation, which act between the decades of 30 and 40 we find the following characters:
Nite Owl I . Their appearance and clothing clearly recall a classic character of the genre: The Phantom (The masked man) as he is accompanied by a dog, which bears the misleading name of Phantom nothing. Author of a memoir which reveals some of the murkier aspects of the private lives of some masked heroes.
Silk Phantom I . More often referenced in history by his civilian name, Sally Jupiter, is a woman with a reputation for frivolous. With fits of diva, uses his superhero career as a means to get famous enough to make the leap to Hollywood. Mother of a daughter who instruct en la carrera de heroína enmascarada.
Como miembros de una segunda generación, que actuaría durante los años 60 hasta mediados de los 70, cuando la actividad de héroe enmascarado quedaría prohibida por ley, encontramos a los siguientes personajes:
Rorschach. Personaje obsesivo y fanático, Rosrschach actúa en el mismo entorno y con métodos similares a los de los detectives más duros de la novela negra. También su indumentaria (gabardina y sombrero) recuerda a estos personajes. La única diferencia es la mascara, que le cubre completamente la cara no dejándonos ver ni siquiera los ojos del personaje, y que sigue un diseño de manchas negras symmetrical on a white background as the psychological test that takes its name from the character. The design of these patches changes with the situation, giving a glimpse of the character expression, whose face is always hidden, and whose identity will not be revealed until late in the story. Your situation is the outlaw, and he refused to obey the law prohibiting heroic activities, and continued his career in the underground.
Nite Owl II. If the first Nite Owl was clearly the ghost walks, there can be no doubt that the latter is a clone of Batman: a suit of similar design, host of technological gadgets, a secret hideout under the foundations of his house, obsession with the nocturnal world, domination of normal personality for his masked alter-ego to the point of affecting their sexual fantasies ... forced to retire by the law of prohibition, misses his glory days as a superhero.
Doctor Manhattan. The only person in history who has true powers, the result of classical radiation accident in the laboratory. Able to master the art levels of quantum physics, is practically a god almighty. However, that power makes you lose all capacity for emotional empathy with society as it is able to see past, present and future as a whole, and is convinced that everything is fleeting, and ultimately, useless. He is depicted as a bald man with blue skin (color which further emphasize the coldness of thought of the character) look nearly always deadpan and that except in rare cases appears completely naked. Because of its great power, was released from the obligation to withdraw on condition his powers to government service.
Silk Phantom II. daughter of the first Phantom of Silk and an unknown father (the mystery of whose identity is a subplot in its own right in the story), and the girlfriend of Dr. Manhattan, was trained by her mother since childhood to succeed her in the "family business." As a result, is now a MILF with no job and no more old friends superheroes forced to withdraw as herself, resentful for having wasted his adolescence locked up in a gym training to become a superwoman, and youth dressed jumping across rooftops carnival.
Ozymandias. Considered the world's smartest man, foreseeing the social difficulties that inevitably end up dealing with superheroes, he retired at the height of his fame, before the law forced the withdrawal superheroes, setting up a company to exploit commercially his image of a superhero. Today is a millionaire patron.
Finally, making generational bridge between the two groups, we found the character of The Comedian, the youngest of the first group and the oldest of the latter. The Comedian avoid forced removal to access work orders from Washington, like Dr. Manhattan. His work for them is to act as a paramilitary mercenaries in conflict zones. Character cynical, amoral and utterly unscrupulous, with a totally nihilistic philosophy of life, violence has found a way of life.
Little can
have the argument without destroying the suspense and misery inevitably reading of the work, so I'll be very brief: it starts with the murder of the last character we talked, The Comedian. Police believe it was the work of a thief, but Rorschach doubt that a thief could just kill a career of violence as a comedian. Convinced that there is something darker behind, start to investigate on their own. To do this contact with their former comrades. From here, the story begins to come to life and become increasingly complex.
The narrative language uses numerous flashback to define elements of the past condition the present, resources seem trivial in a chapter can become a key a couple of chapters later, the story branches out into numerous subplots independent argument, which, however, gradually fitting together like a puzzle just to give an overview single final. And the end is spectacular and completely unexpected.
In short, a real masterpiece of the genre.
Note. I originally wrote this article in the days before the premiere of the film based on the comic above. For those who only know the movie, I can only recommend reading the work as originally conceived. Are sure to clarify many points not too clear of the argument.
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