Without doubt one of the bizarre horror classic, Freaks (The Freaks) of Tod Browning is one of those films that must be present in the library of every geek lovers. Released in 1932 , tells the story of a circus trapeze artist, aware that one of the dwarfs of the show is the lucky recipient of a million-dollar inheritance, it is proposed to seduce him, once converted to his wife, kill him and enjoy his fortune as a merry widow. Unfortunately, other monsters of the show soon discover their plans, and determined to defend the interests of one of their own, to take his revenge, a revenge that will demonstrate that there are things far worse than death.
Without doubt, the highlight of this movie, and what has become known to maintain its aura of controversy to this day, is the fact that everything on screen is really true . Here there are no special effects or makeup tricks that are worth. All the cast are real monsters who made cripples exhibiting their deformity life circus that serves as the framework for action. Browning presents us with great ease, and even romance, so grotesque scenes such as the husband of one of the Siamese twins, who are accustomed to the inevitable presence of his sister even more intimate situations.
Perhaps most famous scene from the film is the welcome dinner club monsters of the beautiful wife of billionaire dwarf, in which a large glass of punch is from slug to slug monster mouth mouth de monstruo, para finalmente ser ofrecida a la homenajeada, la cual, al rechazar con asco tan gran honor, sella su fatal destino. Una película que, a pesar de los muchos años transcurridos desde su estreno, aun hoy puede provocar algún escalofrío en estómagos poco curtidos. Una obra maestra de visionado obligatorio si de verdad quieres llegar a algo en esto del frikismo.
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