Monday, November 22, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
What To Feed Dogs To Make Their Stool Firmer
thence North
reproduce below the text circulated at the Institute of North Algete Libertarian members on Tuesday November 2 against searches and searches carried out by the police:
searches on the records and made the other day by police
On Friday October 29 just before the entrance to the institutes Gustavo Adolfo Becquer and Al-satt Algete, a large group of local police at the end of the tunnel that leads to these, established a "corridor" in which randomly searched and intimidated by young people for the mere fact of going to school . His cocky attitude and repressive of police, was justified by some of the "drug search" or the "egg hunt" on the occasion of the celebration of this bridge. We seem ridiculous at the same time that s outrageous and humiliate your cockiness and violate our privacy for these reasons, treating us as dealers.
This is framed within context of control of youth by police , with measures such as patrol presence at the entrance of the institutes and shit style "police tutor" among many others. These social control functions are hidden under excuses like "prevent fighting" or "prevent the sale of drugs," being completely false, for the simple reason that the same can happen elsewhere and, in fact, it happens. The problem of violence and drugs in youth is generated by this unjust system and the values \u200b\u200bit promotes, not being increased control solution on youth . We do not want our lives to be controlled by any authority, wherever it comes from, and have the name that has, so we appeal to young and / or students and society in general, the rejection of control by the state police that we want to impose, the Once the collaborative report from some policies of public schools have with these armed forces (police, army ...).
Libertarian we call for self-organization of youth and the working class in general, to deal with police aggression and their presence on our streets to be controlled to population, and these are reinforced other repressive measures like video surveillance cameras, racist checks, searches and records ... etc. Only through the elimination of capitalist society and its replacement by a regime of freedom where people in mutual agreement, without any intermediary or authority set up, settle their differences, end up with all kinds of injustice present.
Anarchist Group
North Libertarian
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
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Chile: the media noise of capitalism can not contain
Here we leave an interesting text peer group Black Flag about the current Chilean situation:
Chile: the media noise of capitalism may not contain the rabies
Here we leave an interesting text peer group Black Flag about the current Chilean situation:
Chile: the media noise of capitalism may not contain the rabies
Nor will the gates Seized to keep them imprisoned comrades anarchists and Mapuche. Nor silence the cries of the Mapuche people of machinery engines of progress. Nor mute struggle of the Chilean people against the state and capital, however much media coverage to be provided to the verbosity of Sebastián Piñera (President of Chile) and his coterie.
Embarrassing, though common, is the behavior that we have habituades mass media, but we are not going to stop complain. This time, the spectacle of entertainment media has been in the Chilean State. Anywhere in the world has reached dramatic relay the events surrounding the accident in copper and gold mine site in San Jose (800 km north of Santiago), where 33 miners were trapped hundreds of feet underground. So far, so normal, and say "normal " because it is the standard pattern in all parts of the world: that workers will leave us living in our jobs, whether the mine, work or cleaning, no matter the sector. There are tens of thousands workers are deaths per year in accidents and hundreds of thousands smite them, many more victims than they could stop the so-called "Terrorist Organizations." The painful and precarious working conditions in which the proletariat world is forced to work, resulting in bleeding of life continues to give astronomical amounts of money to the business class, being accomplices States and the media with his silence.
But then, why so much media noise in this is chance? The question to that answer is given by the current social situation in the Chilean State. The Andean country has been dragging since the Pinochet dictatorship to the current regime continues (under the mask of bourgeois democracy), a neoliberal economic system of savage capitalism. This system is a bountiful harvest for multinationals worldwide since the mid- 70 have settled in the country, coming to control all the levers of the Chilean State. Currently, at the head of the political class is the puppet Sebastián Piñera. The Chilean state has inherited the repressive apparatus of the Government of the Pinochet military dictatorship, with hundreds of prisoners politiques, killings by police, torture, increased police presence on the streets and a refinement of this repression with new technologies all of this equipment (cameras, improved intelligence ...). The state needs all this machinery, as the result of the Chilean people, poor living conditions and inequality in the country has been developing several pockets of resistance and struggle against the State and Capital.
Chilean anarchist movement has been very much in this fight. The anarchist movement in the State of Chile is characterized by the wide range of strategies when fighting, being on one side of anarchism in favor of the formal organization with diverse anarchist federations and the group close to anarcho-syndicalism, Germinal, and secondly, they Supporters of so-called "insurrectionary." In any case, the presence of anarchists are fighting on several fronts is very present (squatting, the student movement, the struggle against prisons, fighting in some employment sectors, the struggle of the Mapuche people ...) The presence of them in the social struggle anarchists in the Chilean State has resulted in strong repression of this movement, with arrests, torture and even murder.
repression reached its peak last August 14, when the raid took place several squatted social centers and homes of anarchists resulted in the arrest of more than a dozen elles. The police were accused of mounting terrorist attacks and many still remain imprisoned elles. Moreover, it is the case of the Mapuche, a people who has been fighting against the expropriation of their lands against the Chilean and Argentine now close to 200 years. The Mapuche people's struggle to defend their land against the interests of multinationals and the state has intensified in recent years to be vigorous repressive response, generally apply many cases anti-terror law with imprisonment of hundreds of prisoners and asesinades Mapuche activists varies among the anarchist Juan elles "Orangu" Cruz.
conditions of inequality and poverty of the people of Chile have increased with the global capitalist crisis, and the discontent of the Chilean people are increasingly perceived in the environment. That's why the accident at the mine has been used as a diversion from the media to divert international attention from the problems of the Chilean State. Disgusting is the use of expressions by these spokesmen of power as "the accident has joined Chile." This union is completely false, there is an ongoing historical conflict between explotades and operators and try to conceal more than they will continue giving until capitalism, origin of this inequality, has been destroyed. Media misinformation internationally built a "media city" around the mine site, as was necessary. Required to report not because the situation of the miners and Chile all need all this infrastructure is necessary for create a reality that is presented to the Chilean government as a benefactor and closest to people. is necessary to create an image and exalt the figure of the puppets to continue that unbridled capitalism and keep them silenced the voices of dissent.
From the Black Flag Group, we condemn the attitude of the media worldwide and the Chilean government was fully aware of the dangerous condition of the mining sector. We demand the immediate release of their Chilean anarchist prisoner while in solidarity with their friends and relatives. We demand the release of Todes les politiques Mapuche preses and, in general, freedom for all the Mapuche people.
Down prison walls!
Against the State and Capitalism! For Anarchy!
Black Flag Group - Iberian Federation of Anarchist Youth
P or more information on the status of anarchist prisoners in Chile 14-A :
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Computer Freezes While Using Vuze
rage against the orders of Social Control in Alcobendas, Sanse, Salamanca and elsewhere. General Strike
Because repression by municipalities and Alcobendas Sanse through the servile Local Police dogs found interesting this text Midnight Light Anarchist Group alleging the specific situation of Salamanca with the bylaws, which closely resembles the situation in our localities. It's time to self-organized and take back the streets. Against the bylaws, here and everywhere:
That has hundreds of laws trying to regulate every aspect of our lives, far from being a progress toward a more comfortable, is an instrument of social brutalization that sooner or later affect us all. This is clear to see, with a bit of memory, like the fact that most laws have not improved any area of \u200b\u200bsocial life, in contrast, has worsened, giving the paradox that the more stupid rules we get, seem to need more stupid rules. This "seem" obviously does not include those who make the rules, because the rules are not meant to write them.
And is that regulations and laws do not affect everyone equally. While there is money involved, regulations and laws are flexible, and nobody, except
honorable exceptions, seems shocked by it. You can not drink alcohol in the street, unless the alcohol is drunk on a terrace to the council taxpayer is
say, you can drink alcohol in the street if that pay exorbitant salary of the mayor.
Part of the city ordinance intended to violate the most fundamental rights delas people recognized even in the constitution. So the police can enter any premises
investigate and home if you suspect is abusing any article of any municipal ordinance. The difference is that previously required court order. Now the Town Hall becomes the investigator, prosecutor and judge, as could happen any dictatorship. At least now they can not condemn to death on suspicion of having "enguarrado" the city with political graffiti.
That's another. It seems that graffiti is the worst that can happen to the city. The whole discourse of city ordinances against antisocial behavior and cleanliness seem to revolve around keeping the city "clean and orderly." It is true that the graffiti and posters "enguarran" the city, but its use in this case is a distraction strain to such restrictive regulations that touch, as we saw before with a dictatorship. Ask
authorized sites to put up posters is to recognize that the city is the only one who has authority to regulate the placement of posters, especially when the same council which puts them in places where, according to its own ordinance is forbidden, certainly you can see many posters sponsored by the city. Is an obvious fact that the city, far from safeguarding the interests of citizens, ensures its own interests (a proof is that they have the estimate of what it collects in fines as part of the budget), although there sites paste propaganda, entrusted with your cleaning service to remove, as it does now, all signs that they annoy you, respecting the rest. And that, although posters never hit because you think it enguarrar the city, it affects you. It affects you because only you can express certain opinions in a limited and tightly controlled media (do you think that newspapers are independent of any political-economic power?). It affects you because they do not merely regulate things objectively "dirty" but that legislate on such things as distributing leaflets, and here we return to the dictatorial regime. We said that to sneak this distract us with an alleged "hooliganism" and the need to have a flawless image of the city, is that while regulating these things, let the builders do at home (with quiet neighbors with these laws at first were against the "hooligans" and ignore them the media they control)., as happened recently in the street Alarcón, or as happened a time when millions in fines forgiven some builders. And the police can investigate anything it pleases, without a warrant, may enter our privacy, according to those standards. "If you have not done anything wrong, you have nothing to fear", you could repeat yourself, but it is only a delusion. Investigate citizens 'normal', but never are going to search the house of the mayor, or one of his friends builders.
municipal ordinance brutalizes us, makes us think that we can not make a normal life if a guy armed behind watching us, when the law that created this need. The ordinance is to get us scared. If everything is regulated, it is very easy to skip any standard, and be punished (if you're a builder, or sleep in one of the local newspapers, you can ignore the latter).
Finally, we mean that as free people, in spite of the Municipal Corporation, will continue to act in consciousness, not necessarily obeying his, as we have seen, discriminatory and stupid policy, made specifically to kill consciences and turn the city into his den particular business.
Because repression by municipalities and Alcobendas Sanse through the servile Local Police dogs found interesting this text Midnight Light Anarchist Group alleging the specific situation of Salamanca with the bylaws, which closely resembles the situation in our localities. It's time to self-organized and take back the streets. Against the bylaws, here and everywhere:
That has hundreds of laws trying to regulate every aspect of our lives, far from being a progress toward a more comfortable, is an instrument of social brutalization that sooner or later affect us all. This is clear to see, with a bit of memory, like the fact that most laws have not improved any area of \u200b\u200bsocial life, in contrast, has worsened, giving the paradox that the more stupid rules we get, seem to need more stupid rules. This "seem" obviously does not include those who make the rules, because the rules are not meant to write them.
And is that regulations and laws do not affect everyone equally. While there is money involved, regulations and laws are flexible, and nobody, except
honorable exceptions, seems shocked by it. You can not drink alcohol in the street, unless the alcohol is drunk on a terrace to the council taxpayer is
say, you can drink alcohol in the street if that pay exorbitant salary of the mayor.
Part of the city ordinance intended to violate the most fundamental rights delas people recognized even in the constitution. So the police can enter any premises
investigate and home if you suspect is abusing any article of any municipal ordinance. The difference is that previously required court order. Now the Town Hall becomes the investigator, prosecutor and judge, as could happen any dictatorship. At least now they can not condemn to death on suspicion of having "enguarrado" the city with political graffiti.
That's another. It seems that graffiti is the worst that can happen to the city. The whole discourse of city ordinances against antisocial behavior and cleanliness seem to revolve around keeping the city "clean and orderly." It is true that the graffiti and posters "enguarran" the city, but its use in this case is a distraction strain to such restrictive regulations that touch, as we saw before with a dictatorship. Ask
authorized sites to put up posters is to recognize that the city is the only one who has authority to regulate the placement of posters, especially when the same council which puts them in places where, according to its own ordinance is forbidden, certainly you can see many posters sponsored by the city. Is an obvious fact that the city, far from safeguarding the interests of citizens, ensures its own interests (a proof is that they have the estimate of what it collects in fines as part of the budget), although there sites paste propaganda, entrusted with your cleaning service to remove, as it does now, all signs that they annoy you, respecting the rest. And that, although posters never hit because you think it enguarrar the city, it affects you. It affects you because only you can express certain opinions in a limited and tightly controlled media (do you think that newspapers are independent of any political-economic power?). It affects you because they do not merely regulate things objectively "dirty" but that legislate on such things as distributing leaflets, and here we return to the dictatorial regime. We said that to sneak this distract us with an alleged "hooliganism" and the need to have a flawless image of the city, is that while regulating these things, let the builders do at home (with quiet neighbors with these laws at first were against the "hooligans" and ignore them the media they control)., as happened recently in the street Alarcón, or as happened a time when millions in fines forgiven some builders. And the police can investigate anything it pleases, without a warrant, may enter our privacy, according to those standards. "If you have not done anything wrong, you have nothing to fear", you could repeat yourself, but it is only a delusion. Investigate citizens 'normal', but never are going to search the house of the mayor, or one of his friends builders.
municipal ordinance brutalizes us, makes us think that we can not make a normal life if a guy armed behind watching us, when the law that created this need. The ordinance is to get us scared. If everything is regulated, it is very easy to skip any standard, and be punished (if you're a builder, or sleep in one of the local newspapers, you can ignore the latter).
Finally, we mean that as free people, in spite of the Municipal Corporation, will continue to act in consciousness, not necessarily obeying his, as we have seen, discriminatory and stupid policy, made specifically to kill consciences and turn the city into his den particular business.
Group Midnight Light "
Libertarian thence North we sympathize with peers while Salamanca denounced the repression exercised by the Sanse different police forces and Alcobendas in the days before the strike in order to try to curb the spread of that call.
Libertarian North
Libertarian North
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
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29-S constitution
thence North
Libertarian support the call to the anarcho-syndicalist CNT union strike and adjacent to same will broadcast the call on our locations: thence North
"No doubt plenty of reasons to go on strike. Political and employers we are warming up for two years. First ballooned to fire people, while carrying a paste in aid to banks and public money until the unemployment reached nearly five million people. When no one else could fire began falling wages, officials and employees of private enterprise, as if the government had given the signal to start the race from wage cuts. The CNT in the strike with a critical attitude towards trade unions state that the summon.
Now, not only put us another labor reform to make it easier to fire (is not cost them much earlier), but want lower pensions, retirement age increases, privatize health ...
face so much abuse, a one-day strike (more of a symbolic stop time), arrives late and wrong. CCOO and UGT have convened only when the government has decided to dispense with them at the negotiating table to pass the reform by decree. The sole purpose of this conference is trying to keep the monopoly of official representation, not real, workers and women. At the end of the day is what they have been seeking for years, through concessions and downs of pants constant. In short, they just want to be called to negotiate another reform more, make up this reform and seal his signature. This we did after the last general strike 20J. The official trade union model of union elections, freed, subsidies and mediated action has led to a large extent this situation, and since we have been warning CNT long. Not surprisingly
spent months calling on all doors to see who supports them. Even CNT approached to ask us to summon them. We even offered to stand in the picture. How much honor! Needless to say that we have refused to join his circus. Anarcho-syndicalism of the CNT does not work based on photos and appearances, but of solidarity, mutual support, self-management and direct action.
why we call participate in a strike, but that is truth, not to call us to negotiate a reform and cuts to which we vehemently oppose, but to drive them back. But above all, to take the first step in rebuilding a class unionism in this siding officer, who defends the interests of everyone that we have been suffering from the rain the last two years, while the state union participated in the show the distribution of aid and duty cuts. And we will do according to our principles as ever, without delegating or grants.
supported the strike, picket and we will manifest. Direct action is our hallmark of the 29-S. What we do to try to overthrow the labor reform that lowers the dismissal, collective redundancies facilitates, promotes the pick of the conventions (and their pay scales), and grants full powers to the release of the sectors on duty to negotiate with employers at the expense of assemblies of workers.
worker, Unemployed, student ... it is time to reclaim what is ours, but we do we will continue stealing rights. If you're sick of watching state unions bully us and want to participate in the construction of syndicalism, which is not sold to power by a bowl of subsidies, stop by the local CNT or contact our branch union in your company.
Starting this September 29th, even before we meet in the street against abuses by employers, politicians, bankers and unions fake crooks, because the fight does not end here.
Pantomime BASTA! "
Pantomime BASTA! "
release from local federation CNT Madrid
Oporto - Marqués de Vadillo
18:30 h
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Viewing demobilization and passivity of the youth and working class in general, we see the need for self-organized around anarchist ideas.
Our field of action, in which group members reside, are Algete, S. Sebastian de los Reyes, Alcobendas, Coberly, Fuente el Saz, and as our name suggests, the area north of Madrid in general. We abide by the principles solidarity, mutual support and self-management, understood as independent of any entity, including a State, which, as anarchists fight. Our method of control is direct action, understood as the action without leaders or intermediaries, ie ourselves. There are many areas in which we fight and influence in our region, such as the passivity of the youth against the social problems, such as youth, also affects us, the entertainment led by companies such as State and drugs, consumerism as a form of recreational activity, the so-called "social networking", etc. On the other hand, we see the need to combat the rise of racism, xenophobia and extreme right in our towns is being given, the burden of economic and social crisis of the system on workers, the degradation of nature around us by the corporations, and industry collaboration, but own pollution by municipalities. As an example, the Jarama river pollution or noise impact on our habitat exerted by the airlines. In addition to publicly denouncing the rise of the repressive forces in our locations (police at the door of the institutes, records, searches of young people and immigrants, etc..) Alienation in which wage labor and consumerism join the society ... Soon you will see our advertisements in the streets and a publication bearing the name "Special Area North."
against the state, capital and any form of authority!
for anarchy!
Anarchist Group
North Libertarian
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Ultra High Performance Vs Grand Touring
From time to time, the moviegoer feels the need to get away from the big movie sagas of our time, with its stunning scenery and amazing visual effects, and dive a little on the old black and white, to unearth jewelry in a time that good stories should go where not reach the technical limitations of time. Stories like this:
Passport to Pimlico, 1947 year film studies Ealing, directed by Henry Cornelius . British humor in its purest form a biting satire on the cheap jingoism, as only the English are capable of accomplishing. We are in the post-war London, Pimlico, a working class neighborhood. By blowing up an unexploded German bomb from the recent war, he discovers a secret basement, which appears a treasure of the fifteenth century. Together with gold and jewels, is a chest containing documents. Reviewed these documents, you discover that the treasure belonged to the Duke of Burgundy Charles the Bold, historically presumed dead in the battle of Nancy, which led to the annexation of the duchy to France, but according to those documents would have managed to flee secretly to England, where the king granted him refuge and land, and the right to such lands were considered sovereign territory hereinafter Burgundy. The same land upon which now stands the Pimlico district, which under unearthed document, and never revoked, is legally the last remnant of the ancient Duchy of Burgundy, an independent state in of London.
Passport to Pimlico, 1947 year film studies Ealing, directed by Henry Cornelius . British humor in its purest form a biting satire on the cheap jingoism, as only the English are capable of accomplishing. We are in the post-war London, Pimlico, a working class neighborhood. By blowing up an unexploded German bomb from the recent war, he discovers a secret basement, which appears a treasure of the fifteenth century. Together with gold and jewels, is a chest containing documents. Reviewed these documents, you discover that the treasure belonged to the Duke of Burgundy Charles the Bold, historically presumed dead in the battle of Nancy, which led to the annexation of the duchy to France, but according to those documents would have managed to flee secretly to England, where the king granted him refuge and land, and the right to such lands were considered sovereign territory hereinafter Burgundy. The same land upon which now stands the Pimlico district, which under unearthed document, and never revoked, is legally the last remnant of the ancient Duchy of Burgundy, an independent state in of London.
From here, absurdity ensues. The next night the patrons of the place, encouraged by the beer, forcing the landlord to keep open the local pub after closing time required, and when you have the police to vacate the premises, refuse to do so, claiming that they are a foreign country, and therefore do not have to obey the laws of England. But the next morning the joke is not so funny, when the neighborhood appears taken by hordes of black marketeers, who come to openly sell all kinds of black market goods in the streets, and now is the police who refused to intervene because no jurisdiction in the duchy of Burgundy. From here the events are entangling, high politics is mixed in the case, and everything keeps getting more and more absurd, giving us the most grotesque scenes, as only the English humor is able to achieve: one customs in the middle of the street where a police officer responds to a lady, irritated at having to make a long tail and submit their documentation to shop at your store ever, with a phlegmatic: "Madam, I have no fault you go shopping abroad, "the neighbors cutting subway route that runs through the neighborhood, and breaking into cars for passengers to have passports, using the seal of the local grocery store as a visa, the neighborhood block by London police when negotiations with the neighbors, soon to come in case the opportunity to make improvements to the neighborhood, twist, and the clever tricks used by the local residents, and their supporters outside it, to break the lock (priceless scene parachuted pork) A funny movie that will make you think of a polite way but smart about how absurd it can be politics.
view it before I strongly recommend to hear some political news. In order to be, containing the statements of some nationalist politician, swollen with patriotic fervor. That will enhance the mood of the film, and appreciate it a lot better.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Engraving Leather Names
Official Forum of the Committee Against Faults Voluntary and SMS Language
Muchos hemos oído hablar alguna vez de este Comité, pero hasta el momento ha permanecido fantasma y nadie sabe aun de su verdadero y primer creador, hace unos días encontré un foro reciente, acaba de ser creado, tiene el fin de reunir a aquellas personas que están esparcidas por distintos foros en apartados creados con el fin de expresar su rechazo al Lenguaje SMS, sin nada mas que agregar visiten el foro y si es de su agrado regístrense!
Foro Oficial del Comité Contra las Faltas Voluntarias y el lenguaje SMS
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Iron On Transfersflames
Time passes.
Every day I wake, I see the window and the view opens to a Vivaldi field we have, I realize as time goes by and society is transformed . When I was little field was filled with grass and stones as they had left the nature, after the passage of years near the ground so that people could not enter, settle or worse appropriate the same to the poor.
from my window I see dramatic as first-hand picture, there glowing at night with bright movement, leave the window to see this area as an area of \u200b\u200bgames and see it as a value purchasing if you have a problem should occur, in order to sell it. I also see as we play a difficult time where you can not buy things as in the past, wage restricts you to live in a comfortable but a day.
I think all these battles that open in the field and my childhood friends and cousins, now in real life book looking for ways to bring money home to live comfortably if not, Descent. I complained, but sometimes I say as my grandparents had many children and I could keep and that I have a daughter that I love with all my heart, I can only give a good life for her, because having two children, the amounts would not be the same.
Every day I wake, I see the window and the view opens to a Vivaldi field we have, I realize as time goes by and society is transformed . When I was little field was filled with grass and stones as they had left the nature, after the passage of years near the ground so that people could not enter, settle or worse appropriate the same to the poor.
from my window I see dramatic as first-hand picture, there glowing at night with bright movement, leave the window to see this area as an area of \u200b\u200bgames and see it as a value purchasing if you have a problem should occur, in order to sell it. I also see as we play a difficult time where you can not buy things as in the past, wage restricts you to live in a comfortable but a day.
I think all these battles that open in the field and my childhood friends and cousins, now in real life book looking for ways to bring money home to live comfortably if not, Descent. I complained, but sometimes I say as my grandparents had many children and I could keep and that I have a daughter that I love with all my heart, I can only give a good life for her, because having two children, the amounts would not be the same.
Referral Slogan For Business Cards
The thing about social networks
is great to find several people who remembered not for social media networks such as the 2.0 generation, you realize that people you meet at other stages of your life are still present. That left a mark on their lives for any action that may trigger the effect of search on your person.
But really go forward with this type of platform, connecting you to places unknown to the human mind. Do I mean by that, is very easy simple examples we Mária I know by name it, but Louis and Mary knows she does not know that I know Luis other circumstance or event so that if we used a network and saw the list of friends together, we never learn that Mary knows Luis and I know them both. Resulting in a very strange feeling so you never know what you know and that know one another and the other to you. Is redundant, but spectacular. I'm thinking if the chain goes global at some point in life, making me think that if people I know have a preference for people who have the same traits, characteristics or attributes of other people who will know later in the course of life. This question is very exciting. So if someday I get to discover they are I will tell everyone.
is great to find several people who remembered not for social media networks such as the 2.0 generation, you realize that people you meet at other stages of your life are still present. That left a mark on their lives for any action that may trigger the effect of search on your person.
But really go forward with this type of platform, connecting you to places unknown to the human mind. Do I mean by that, is very easy simple examples we Mária I know by name it, but Louis and Mary knows she does not know that I know Luis other circumstance or event so that if we used a network and saw the list of friends together, we never learn that Mary knows Luis and I know them both. Resulting in a very strange feeling so you never know what you know and that know one another and the other to you. Is redundant, but spectacular. I'm thinking if the chain goes global at some point in life, making me think that if people I know have a preference for people who have the same traits, characteristics or attributes of other people who will know later in the course of life. This question is very exciting. So if someday I get to discover they are I will tell everyone.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Wedding Tables Top Ideas
Battlefield Earth

Without doubt, science fiction is a genre that holds a large number of fiery polemics and debates. Authors and works that have passionate supporters and detractors, making rivers of ink, or bits in these cyber times, when to prosecute its alleged merits or defects. But if we are to choose which is the skeleton in the closet for excellence, the figure that makes all the fans by naming the genre turn red and look at the ground, that is certainly L. Ron Hubbard, the man who hung up the typewriter to go into the stormy seas of religion. The operator of a sect that moves between the glamor of the big stars holliwoodienses and financial and judicial scandals. Today we will gain a little figure of the writer Hubbard. Hubbard to discuss the preacher, and there are millions of web sites which do. And here, preachers, except for the comic character of that name, we care very little. But it is undeniable that the author's background makes the two novels that comprise the series Battleground Earth ragweed a first class geek.
Go ahead
the fact that I, personally, preachers I have them listed in the same category as malaria mosquitoes or venereal disease. The world would be better without them. As if that were not enough, when they fell into my hands the two novels that comprise the series of which I speak, I could not but recall the infamous film that was made based on them. That is why reading address loaded with a lot of prejudice, convinced that the leave after a couple of chapters, regretting the wasted time. But if not, I told myself that maybe it was a good idea to write a little blurb about it. And try it out as unbiased as possible. Because all I could see the work judged more in terms of how they judge its author the preacher Hubbard on its own merits or shortcomings.
-notice to mariners: Next step to eviscerate the argument-
novel's action takes place in a typical post-apocalyptic future. We see human beings living like savages on what is presented as the ruins of a lost city in the mountains that has seen better times. The protagonist, Johnny Tyler, is convinced that his tribe should leave these unhealthy mountains, where there are only hunger and disease, and move to the plains, where game is plentiful, but clashes with tradition. Monsters living on those plains, legend, and this the great village of the ancestors, which should not be disturbed. Obviously, our hero will ignore the warnings and leave to explore the valley. Of course, you will find the ruins of the village of the ancestors (see later that this is Denver), and there will be captured by one of the legendary monsters.
monsters are anything but alien to the pay of the Intergalactic Mining Company, a corporation based on the planet Psiclo that was responsible for the genocide of the human race, in order to exploit monopoly in the Earth's mineral wealth without interference. The novel introduces us to this race of aliens as a treacherous and unscrupulous types, motivated only by profit. The monster that captures the protagonist is the security chief in charge of the planet, which is intended to defraud the corporation hiding the discovery of a gold mine, and operated in secret. But for this you need workers, and thought in human train and use them as slaves. Johnny will be the first.
In the first book, will see the protagonist as a miner training. Alien technology enable a savage turn around an expert in managing high-tech machinery, capable in turn train others. You will soon realize that the corporation as mining was the cause of the disaster of the human race, and the widespread corruption of senior executives of the company, and so, exploiting the climate of intrigue and mistrust, make your own plans, which are none other than training in secret to future miners as guerrillas, to in turn hand to strike and regain control of planet Earth. The first part of the saga ends with the triumph of the insurrection against the settlers earthling Psiclo.
In the second part, more complex narrative, the triumphant revolutionaries among them were engaged in struggles and political intrigue for power over the conquered planet. They will also have to face the attack of other extraterrestrial races, taking advantage of the power vacuum created by the withdrawal of Psiclo, want to be in the desirable booty planet Earth is a seemingly fragile defended by a loosely organized guerrilla force. Finally, in a fine detail of irony, once attained its independence on the battlefield will be on the verge of losing all the gains at the hands of the Intergalactic Bank, when they discover that, as the new government has inherited the debts that the entity had contracted the mining corporation whose regime was overthrown. For this last battle will be need both wit and rather than actual military action.
The story is interesting. It is a masterpiece, no doubt, but his reading is fun. Narrative, then we realize who is the master of Hubbard: individualistic characters, contempt for the organized power of government and all sorts, the exaltation of military ethics ... we are clearly an imitation of Heinlein, who spends Hubbard work. The influence of the heavy weight of science fiction is evident throughout the plot.
Finally, a farewell, I can not insert a fragment of the novel that particularly caught my attention: This place
South Africa close to the large power station, used by land to lay a trap for the games, was being cleaned, and this gave the first clue. Were building a pagoda-like structure, several, actually. In a reference discovered ancient texts that the design was that of a "house of worship." So the military agreed that the planet had experienced a new political uprising. It was imposed religious fanatics. Religions are very dangerous ... inflamed people. Any sensible government and military should annihilate them. But at that time were not interested in politics and religion. Expect. Curious
coming from the pen of a preacher, right?
Go ahead
the fact that I, personally, preachers I have them listed in the same category as malaria mosquitoes or venereal disease. The world would be better without them. As if that were not enough, when they fell into my hands the two novels that comprise the series of which I speak, I could not but recall the infamous film that was made based on them. That is why reading address loaded with a lot of prejudice, convinced that the leave after a couple of chapters, regretting the wasted time. But if not, I told myself that maybe it was a good idea to write a little blurb about it. And try it out as unbiased as possible. Because all I could see the work judged more in terms of how they judge its author the preacher Hubbard on its own merits or shortcomings.
-notice to mariners: Next step to eviscerate the argument-
novel's action takes place in a typical post-apocalyptic future. We see human beings living like savages on what is presented as the ruins of a lost city in the mountains that has seen better times. The protagonist, Johnny Tyler, is convinced that his tribe should leave these unhealthy mountains, where there are only hunger and disease, and move to the plains, where game is plentiful, but clashes with tradition. Monsters living on those plains, legend, and this the great village of the ancestors, which should not be disturbed. Obviously, our hero will ignore the warnings and leave to explore the valley. Of course, you will find the ruins of the village of the ancestors (see later that this is Denver), and there will be captured by one of the legendary monsters.
monsters are anything but alien to the pay of the Intergalactic Mining Company, a corporation based on the planet Psiclo that was responsible for the genocide of the human race, in order to exploit monopoly in the Earth's mineral wealth without interference. The novel introduces us to this race of aliens as a treacherous and unscrupulous types, motivated only by profit. The monster that captures the protagonist is the security chief in charge of the planet, which is intended to defraud the corporation hiding the discovery of a gold mine, and operated in secret. But for this you need workers, and thought in human train and use them as slaves. Johnny will be the first.
In the first book, will see the protagonist as a miner training. Alien technology enable a savage turn around an expert in managing high-tech machinery, capable in turn train others. You will soon realize that the corporation as mining was the cause of the disaster of the human race, and the widespread corruption of senior executives of the company, and so, exploiting the climate of intrigue and mistrust, make your own plans, which are none other than training in secret to future miners as guerrillas, to in turn hand to strike and regain control of planet Earth. The first part of the saga ends with the triumph of the insurrection against the settlers earthling Psiclo.
In the second part, more complex narrative, the triumphant revolutionaries among them were engaged in struggles and political intrigue for power over the conquered planet. They will also have to face the attack of other extraterrestrial races, taking advantage of the power vacuum created by the withdrawal of Psiclo, want to be in the desirable booty planet Earth is a seemingly fragile defended by a loosely organized guerrilla force. Finally, in a fine detail of irony, once attained its independence on the battlefield will be on the verge of losing all the gains at the hands of the Intergalactic Bank, when they discover that, as the new government has inherited the debts that the entity had contracted the mining corporation whose regime was overthrown. For this last battle will be need both wit and rather than actual military action.
The story is interesting. It is a masterpiece, no doubt, but his reading is fun. Narrative, then we realize who is the master of Hubbard: individualistic characters, contempt for the organized power of government and all sorts, the exaltation of military ethics ... we are clearly an imitation of Heinlein, who spends Hubbard work. The influence of the heavy weight of science fiction is evident throughout the plot.
Finally, a farewell, I can not insert a fragment of the novel that particularly caught my attention: This place
South Africa close to the large power station, used by land to lay a trap for the games, was being cleaned, and this gave the first clue. Were building a pagoda-like structure, several, actually. In a reference discovered ancient texts that the design was that of a "house of worship." So the military agreed that the planet had experienced a new political uprising. It was imposed religious fanatics. Religions are very dangerous ... inflamed people. Any sensible government and military should annihilate them. But at that time were not interested in politics and religion. Expect. Curious
coming from the pen of a preacher, right?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Best Point And Shoot For Shutter Speed
mark the Day of geek pride.
Today, 25th May, the anniversary of the premiere of Star Wars, has been celebrating the last few years Geek Pride Day. Initiative born, of course, on the net, and we can say that at this point starts to be consolidated. This blog is joining the initiative and invites all readers to show their freak at all and sundry in a day as prescribed.
For more information, the official website of the initiative:
Today, 25th May, the anniversary of the premiere of Star Wars, has been celebrating the last few years Geek Pride Day. Initiative born, of course, on the net, and we can say that at this point starts to be consolidated. This blog is joining the initiative and invites all readers to show their freak at all and sundry in a day as prescribed.
For more information, the official website of the initiative:
Friday, April 30, 2010
Put This Hairstyle On Youre Head
dystopian science fiction (Part II, 1960-2010)
Illustration: imaginary view of the city of Atlantis, perhaps the first Utopia in literature.
Well, it took a while, but finally here is the second installment of this review of dystopian science fiction, those tyrannies imaginary future, covering the period from the decade of 60 until today. Come and enjoy, or rather, come and fear the future that awaits us.
In 1967 published Logan's Run, a novel by William F. Nolan and George C. Johnson . Is set in a society emerging from a generational conflict become, due to overcrowding, open war, War Child, which comes a society ruled by artificial intelligence, the Thinker, which the law is forced slaughter of over 21 years. All citizens are implanted in the palm of an electronic circuit that computes the time remaining before surrendering to the forced ritual suicide, and betrays those who seek to escape their fate. The protagonist, Logan 3 , a member of the elite responsible for the capture and execution of these fugitives, the Rangers. During a routine mission seems more he discovers that the fugitive who just ran did not act alone but in connection with an organization. This organization, the Shrine, is a kind of urban legend among the Rangers. Logan 3, which is approaching the age of forced suicide, is the way to close his career with a brilliant snap, dismantling the rebel group and capturing the legendary Ballard, the legendary rebel leader of the Sanctuary. To infiltrate this organization posing as another one of the deserters. However, as the decline of the system it serves you will be revealed, his determination falter. This novel was adapted into a film in 1976 , with some changes (the age of forced suicide become 30, and artificial intelligence ruler is replaced by a council of elders) and a TV series in 1977. This project is still pending a remake of the 1976 film, in principle by Brian Singer.
Rollerball Movie Poster, 1975.
In 1975 Rollerball premieres, film directed by Norman Jewison . The action takes place in a future world dominated by large corporations, in which individual initiative is discouraged, in favor of conformity with the status quo. To feed this conformity, the masses are offered spectacles with which to escape, the most popular rollerball, a brutal mix of skating racing, motorcycle racing and wrestling tournament in format global tournament, which regulation is permissive to violence, and where serious accidents are frequent. Jonathan (James Caan) is the star team based in Houston. It is an idol of the masses ... in a society that welcomes the masses have idols, even simple sports stars. The energy corporation that owns the team offers a retreat with honor, and charging a higher pension at the end of the regular season, but Jonathan is not satisfied, want to contest the play-off. To force him to accept the withdrawal, the owners of the league, a group of large corporations are tightening the rules, first, to make him see that is already old for the game, but finally, with the clear idea that Jonathan suffered a fatal accident during the dispute of the game. So to reach the final, played with only one rule: anything goes, that will become a real slaughter, which Jonathan will be the piece to hunt. This movie was a forgettable remake in 2002.
In 1982 published the first installment of the comic book V for Vendetta , written by Alan Moore drawing and David Lloyd . The story is set in Britain at some future post-nuclear war, in which a party has fascist-inspired seized power, discriminate and repress anyone who does not fit the pattern of white, heterosexual, Christian and conservative. A masked anarchist who calls himself V begins a terror campaign against the regime, killing senior party leader, and planting bombs in government buildings, while flooding London with subversive propaganda. In a final confrontation with the police, was mortally wounded V, being the last act of revolt in the hands of his pupil, Evey Hammond, a girl he rescued from a group V of the secret police pretended to rape her, and then indoctrinated. The story was filmed in 2005 by Wachowski brothers, but the film departs in several aspects of the graphic novel (among others, is not a nuclear war, but an attack with biological weapons crisis that favors the rise of fascist). In fact, while the comic is considered a complaint against Thatcherism, the film is a thinly veiled metaphor for the thesis Conspiranoids September 11 as inside job.
In 1984 published one of the most influential novels in the history of science fiction, Neuromancer, William Gibson's , considered the founding work of the cyberpunk movement. Is set in a future world, again dominated by large corporations, where technology is ubiquitous, the brain-computer is possible, and organ implants and artificial limbs, type cyborg, are common. Henry Case is an old hacker, now disabled for brain-machine after being poisoned in retaliation for stealing the mafia group where he worked. Become a hustler over the suburbs of Tokyo, will be contacted by an organization that promises to repair the damage to his nervous system in exchange for his cooperation as a hacker in a daring theft of information. Case so will be wrapped in a web of espionage and corruption involving multiple bands to the highest levels of society, while to discover that they are artificial intelligences that are actually in charge of the world we live.
In Gattaca, 1997 film, directed by Andrew Niccol are biology and eugenics obsession which is responsible for building a world of nightmare. At some point in the future, medical advances have enabled the possibility of eliminating, not the same defects, but the simple propensity to suffer for genetic manipulation in vitro. Also, there is also the possibility to compute, based on the genome, the possibility of developing specific diseases. As a result, created a new discrimination, human IVF, with the corrected genome to eliminate hereditary defects, and humans conceived naturally. The first qualify for top jobs, while the latter are viewed and treated as a lower caste. The protagonist, Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) , young brilliant intellect, but belonging to this breed of disadvantaged, want to be an astronaut. But obviously, this is a job reserved for upper caste members. So to circumvent the discrimination uses a common ploy in that society: a broker will contact you a member of the upper caste, confined to a wheelchair after an accident. It accesses aa identity exchange to him for money. However, things get complicated when the direct superior of Vincent is murdered, and police found out that a "no improvement" has been accessing restricted areas.
In 1999 the Wachowsky brothers carry their ultimate cyberpunk nightmare end to make the human being part of the hardware in his most famous film, Matrix . In it, human beings live in tanks enclosed in a state of suspended animation, feeding electricity from your body heat to the machines, while their minds, connected to a supercomputer, living completely outside reality, locked in a fantasy that recreates the world of the late 90's, prior to the war between humans and machines that devastated the world. The protagonist, Thomas Anderson, aka Neo (Keanu Reeves) , lives a double life-gray clerk by day, hacker by night. A string of strange occurrences lead him to contact Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), a legendary hacker, who will reveal to Neo the real world they live in, and offered the chance to release to join his fight against the tyrant cyberspace. We could fill pages with the metaphors that contains this film and its two sequels (the beginning and end of 2003, in my opinion very lower than the first film in the series), its philosophical and mythological background, as well as his great influence on aesthetics and film, especially for action films, which was felt throughout the next decade. No doubt there was a before and after Matrix in the cinema.
In 2000 Japanese film premiering Battle Royale, directed by Kinji Fukasaku and starring Takeshi Kitano . Shows a near future of chaos and violence, where violence is out of control youth and schools are the realm of the bands. A group of students from one of these conflicting schools is abducted to an island to participate in Battle Royale, a cruel battle of all against all punishment intended as examples for students in troubled schools. Each of the kidnapped students will receive a random weapon, to fight each other with the only rule that can only be one. But a group of them conspire to escape the island, attempting an assault on the control center. Finally, two students, the pair formed by Shuya and Noriko, manage to escape. The end of the movie shows us the converted fugitives, accused of murder. The film got up in time a great controversy due to its high violent content.
In 2002 Equilibrium premieres, film directed by Kurt Wimmer. Shows a future post-World War III in which the central idea that holds any society is the denial of human passions, considered responsible for the destruction of the world in the past. All the inhabitants of this society should take a daily dose of a drug called Prozium, which acts as a sedative of emotions. Anything that appeals to the feelings, especially art and literature, is strictly prohibited, and the clergy, an elite trained in a manner similar to warrior monks, is charged with enforcing the ban. The protagonist, John Preston (Christian Bale), a member of this body accidentally lost one of its daily dose of that drug, and the feelings you experience when your mind be free brake it you are prompted to continue ignoring it. This starts a chain of events that eventually led to contact with a resistance group, and participate in a plot against the government.
In the movie The Island of Michael Bay, opened in 2005 , we face an alleged post-apocalyptic future. Disaster survivors living in a shelter in recovering from ailments resulting from exposure to outdoor pollution that have been rescued, waiting to be transferred to The Island, the last unpolluted place left on the planet. Spaces are limited, and the transfer is done by lottery. However, as the film progresses, we notice that something is not right. Something in the strict regulation of the establishment makes it seem more a prison than a refuge where they concentrate the last survivors of the human race. The protagonist, Lincoln 6 (Ewan McGregor) , is one of these cases survived. Following a trapped insect, access a restricted area of \u200b\u200bthe building, and discover the truth: the outdoor pollution is a farce, and residents are actually clones of wealthy people outside, ready for slaughter when their organs are needed for transplants . From this point the plot focuses on Lincoln's flight 6, and his search for his other self in the outside world in an attempt to report what goes on behind the walls of what, in theory, is a respectable company Biomedical.
To end this article, I will discuss the latest contribution to the genre appeared so far, the literary saga The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins, whose first installment, with the same title appeared in 2008 . The action takes place in a place called Panem, whose location is undetermined but the narrative suggests that it is North America in the future after a devastating civil war and in which the winning side descendants live in opulence while oppressing the descendants of the losers, reduced to slavery. Collins takes to build a world of nightmare a historical pattern is clear: the decadent Rome of the first century of our era (an interesting game for the reader of the novels is to find the secondary characters whose names are direct reference to that historical period: Seneca, Plutarch, Claudio ...) So, the life of the privileged runs between pleasures, banquets, orgies, and of course, the circus. The games referred to in the title are futuristic and violent gladiatorial combat, in which only one can survive. In the first installment of the series, the protagonist, a teenage Katniss Everdeen, is selected by a cruel lottery to participate in this cruel spectacle. His unexpected victory turn into an idol of the masses, while his refusal to kill his last opponent, a young native of the same village, becomes a symbol of rebellion against the tyrant. In second installment of the series, published in late 2009 with the title of In Flames, and as violent as the first, this aspect of the story is still developing, leaving us at the point of outbreak of revolt at the end of it.
And we are here in this review of the genus, which has become more extensive than had initially expected, and yet I have discarded several very interesting titles. A genre that is still very much alive, because we do not really talk about the future but the present, and the nightmarish worlds can inadvertently be building at this time.

Illustration: imaginary view of the city of Atlantis, perhaps the first Utopia in literature.
Well, it took a while, but finally here is the second installment of this review of dystopian science fiction, those tyrannies imaginary future, covering the period from the decade of 60 until today. Come and enjoy, or rather, come and fear the future that awaits us.
In 1967 published Logan's Run, a novel by William F. Nolan and George C. Johnson . Is set in a society emerging from a generational conflict become, due to overcrowding, open war, War Child, which comes a society ruled by artificial intelligence, the Thinker, which the law is forced slaughter of over 21 years. All citizens are implanted in the palm of an electronic circuit that computes the time remaining before surrendering to the forced ritual suicide, and betrays those who seek to escape their fate. The protagonist, Logan 3 , a member of the elite responsible for the capture and execution of these fugitives, the Rangers. During a routine mission seems more he discovers that the fugitive who just ran did not act alone but in connection with an organization. This organization, the Shrine, is a kind of urban legend among the Rangers. Logan 3, which is approaching the age of forced suicide, is the way to close his career with a brilliant snap, dismantling the rebel group and capturing the legendary Ballard, the legendary rebel leader of the Sanctuary. To infiltrate this organization posing as another one of the deserters. However, as the decline of the system it serves you will be revealed, his determination falter. This novel was adapted into a film in 1976 , with some changes (the age of forced suicide become 30, and artificial intelligence ruler is replaced by a council of elders) and a TV series in 1977. This project is still pending a remake of the 1976 film, in principle by Brian Singer.

Rollerball Movie Poster, 1975.
In 1975 Rollerball premieres, film directed by Norman Jewison . The action takes place in a future world dominated by large corporations, in which individual initiative is discouraged, in favor of conformity with the status quo. To feed this conformity, the masses are offered spectacles with which to escape, the most popular rollerball, a brutal mix of skating racing, motorcycle racing and wrestling tournament in format global tournament, which regulation is permissive to violence, and where serious accidents are frequent. Jonathan (James Caan) is the star team based in Houston. It is an idol of the masses ... in a society that welcomes the masses have idols, even simple sports stars. The energy corporation that owns the team offers a retreat with honor, and charging a higher pension at the end of the regular season, but Jonathan is not satisfied, want to contest the play-off. To force him to accept the withdrawal, the owners of the league, a group of large corporations are tightening the rules, first, to make him see that is already old for the game, but finally, with the clear idea that Jonathan suffered a fatal accident during the dispute of the game. So to reach the final, played with only one rule: anything goes, that will become a real slaughter, which Jonathan will be the piece to hunt. This movie was a forgettable remake in 2002.

In 1984 published one of the most influential novels in the history of science fiction, Neuromancer, William Gibson's , considered the founding work of the cyberpunk movement. Is set in a future world, again dominated by large corporations, where technology is ubiquitous, the brain-computer is possible, and organ implants and artificial limbs, type cyborg, are common. Henry Case is an old hacker, now disabled for brain-machine after being poisoned in retaliation for stealing the mafia group where he worked. Become a hustler over the suburbs of Tokyo, will be contacted by an organization that promises to repair the damage to his nervous system in exchange for his cooperation as a hacker in a daring theft of information. Case so will be wrapped in a web of espionage and corruption involving multiple bands to the highest levels of society, while to discover that they are artificial intelligences that are actually in charge of the world we live.
In Gattaca, 1997 film, directed by Andrew Niccol are biology and eugenics obsession which is responsible for building a world of nightmare. At some point in the future, medical advances have enabled the possibility of eliminating, not the same defects, but the simple propensity to suffer for genetic manipulation in vitro. Also, there is also the possibility to compute, based on the genome, the possibility of developing specific diseases. As a result, created a new discrimination, human IVF, with the corrected genome to eliminate hereditary defects, and humans conceived naturally. The first qualify for top jobs, while the latter are viewed and treated as a lower caste. The protagonist, Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) , young brilliant intellect, but belonging to this breed of disadvantaged, want to be an astronaut. But obviously, this is a job reserved for upper caste members. So to circumvent the discrimination uses a common ploy in that society: a broker will contact you a member of the upper caste, confined to a wheelchair after an accident. It accesses aa identity exchange to him for money. However, things get complicated when the direct superior of Vincent is murdered, and police found out that a "no improvement" has been accessing restricted areas.

In 2000 Japanese film premiering Battle Royale, directed by Kinji Fukasaku and starring Takeshi Kitano . Shows a near future of chaos and violence, where violence is out of control youth and schools are the realm of the bands. A group of students from one of these conflicting schools is abducted to an island to participate in Battle Royale, a cruel battle of all against all punishment intended as examples for students in troubled schools. Each of the kidnapped students will receive a random weapon, to fight each other with the only rule that can only be one. But a group of them conspire to escape the island, attempting an assault on the control center. Finally, two students, the pair formed by Shuya and Noriko, manage to escape. The end of the movie shows us the converted fugitives, accused of murder. The film got up in time a great controversy due to its high violent content.

In the movie The Island of Michael Bay, opened in 2005 , we face an alleged post-apocalyptic future. Disaster survivors living in a shelter in recovering from ailments resulting from exposure to outdoor pollution that have been rescued, waiting to be transferred to The Island, the last unpolluted place left on the planet. Spaces are limited, and the transfer is done by lottery. However, as the film progresses, we notice that something is not right. Something in the strict regulation of the establishment makes it seem more a prison than a refuge where they concentrate the last survivors of the human race. The protagonist, Lincoln 6 (Ewan McGregor) , is one of these cases survived. Following a trapped insect, access a restricted area of \u200b\u200bthe building, and discover the truth: the outdoor pollution is a farce, and residents are actually clones of wealthy people outside, ready for slaughter when their organs are needed for transplants . From this point the plot focuses on Lincoln's flight 6, and his search for his other self in the outside world in an attempt to report what goes on behind the walls of what, in theory, is a respectable company Biomedical.

And we are here in this review of the genus, which has become more extensive than had initially expected, and yet I have discarded several very interesting titles. A genre that is still very much alive, because we do not really talk about the future but the present, and the nightmarish worlds can inadvertently be building at this time.
Monday, April 5, 2010
South Park Studios Slow Buffering
dystopian science fiction (Part I, 1920-1960)
Illustration: The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters of Goya.
There are two ways by which science fiction can make us feel apprehension and even fear of the future that awaits us. One of them already discussed in this blog, this is apocalyptic stories. Today I try the second route for fear the future, stories dystopian.
A dystopia is usually defined as the opposite of a utopia, an imaginary society as unjust and oppressive in its terms, the perfect dictatorship. For his opposition to the idea of \u200b\u200butopia is also common to refer to this type of shell companies and anti-utopias. Is a genus closely related to the apocalyptic, so much so that many works have elements of both, being difficult to determine which predominates, the apocalyptic or dystopian. This relationship arises that should be standard practice in the dystopian genre, it must be an apocalyptic event such as a starting point. The event will justify the existence of the despotic regime, first as a survival tool for disaster, and later, as the only safeguard against its repetition hypothetical. We can therefore say without prior apocalypse, there can be a dystopia, as only an extreme fear can lead to a logical extreme waiver freely.
Once arguably is justified as it can be a society so evil, it's time to explore. The protagonist of these stories will always be a rebel. This is something we take for granted, as the tyrannical regime that presents the story is a clear embodiment of evil, and the most common fiction is that evil must be combated. But the standard of these stories is that the protagonist start being the rebel that will become as the story unfolds. On the contrary, the principle is a perfectly integrated into the system. You may feel suspicion towards him, can even feel it's unfair, until you feel oppressed, but never think of rebelling against him. But as we would have no story if it did, the events will ultimately force it. It is important to note that although many of these stories appear as protagonists apparent characters, or are completely unrelated to the company submitted, foreigners unable to understand or appreciate, or at an early stage are in open rebellion against it, the main function these characters is to open the eyes of the character that spoke first. In fact, the most important thing they do in their respective histories John the Savage or V is to show Evey Hammond Bernard Marx or to what extent have agreed to become slaves, and convince them that is worth fighting. At this point we can provide that for a dystopian story need: a tyrannical society emerging from a great catastrophe, an inhabitant of the same critical awareness which is likely to be awakened, an unforeseen event that will shake this awareness, and usually another character holding of the previous guide.
It is also important to note that it is very common for these stories end badly. The power face is too big players to aspire to beat him, and indeed it is the characters fighting for their own dignity. For die standing than live on your knees, I would say Che. In any case, it can save the hero, but at the price of exile from the society they faced. What's more, even if tyranny becomes defeated, the final slope customary to leave a doubt about the future. In the end, these stories are moral tales, and its function is to make us ponder whether we are not building a dystopia ourselves right now. In fact, gender has always grown from the hand of evil considered as "collateral effects" of progress technology, and although as late nineteenth century as stories of HG Wells classic, most notably The Time Machine, in which the protagonist speculates that the world is seeing is the consequence taken to end class-divided society, begin to explore the ground and warn about the misuse of technology is really at the end of World War I when the genre really took off. The first great war of the twentieth century opened the possibility of global destruction scenarios hitherto never imagined, and served his time as a leaven for the growth of ideologies advocating totalitarianism as the price of utopia. World War I, along with the rise of fascism and Marxism-Leninism cast an ominous shadow on the future of mankind that the narrative arts could not ignore. Once placed on record, it's time to meet some of the most representative works of a century of existence of the genre, noting, as always, these summaries contain plot elements, and in many cases, enormous spoilers.
As the list is long, I have chosen to divide it into two articles. in this first attempt of the period from the end of World War I at the end of the decade of the 50
And since we have spoken of Bolshevism as one of the basic factors of gender, it is logical that we start our review of the classics in Russia. In 1922 Yevgeny Zamyatin We public. The work appeared first translated into French, as the Russian original was banned by Soviet censorship, not seeing the light until the decade of the 50. Shows us a future society, the result of a war called the War of 200 years "in which life is regulated even in the most minimal aspects of schedules and regulations in pursuit of maximum productivity. Citizens (known issues) do not have names, but only identification numbers. His daily life is regulated by strict schedules, it being understood as an extension of their working day. They have no right to privacy, live in houses of transparent walls, having the right to draw the curtains only during the hours designated for sexual activity. Sexual relations are managed by the State and are subject to a cumbersome bureaucracy, with the idea of \u200b\u200bavoiding the creation of any emotional bond considered irrational. The cities are surrounded by walls that isolate the natural world, considered wild and dangerous. The protagonist, a renowned rocket engineer, fully convinced of the fairness of the system in which they live, begin to put in question by falling victim to the passion for a woman, which makes everything blow up his scheme of values. Finally will join the rebellion for her, but end up being defeated and reprogrammed. Yet the novel ends up realizing that the wall that isolates the city forest, a haven for dissidents and rebels fled, is being strengthened, which indicates that the rebellion is far from having been defeated for good.
Illustration: Metropolis movie poster with the famous female robot that is its most recognizable icon.
In post-revolutionary Russia, skip to another laboratory of totalitarianism in interwar Germany, to discuss a cinematic masterpiece, a film usually considered a metaphor for ideological struggles of those tumultuous years, which eventually give way to Nazism. In 1927 opens Metropolis, film directed by Fritz Lang on a script for his wife Thea von Harbou . The action takes place in a futuristic city in the XXI century, in which a ruling elite lives given over to all sorts of decadent luxury at the highest levels of the large towers, while working people are crowded into slums located on the lower levels of the city, living practically in slavery. These oppressed people have a spiritual leader, a woman named Maria. The mayor of the city, fearing his influence among the underprivileged, would speak against this character so annoying, but the fact that advocates nonviolence deprived of the necessary excuse to stop. It then yields to the suggestions of counsel, the classic mad scientist, to kidnap the real Mary, and replace it with a dual robotic (the robot so seductive female form that all we have ever seen in any cut of the movie) to incite the masses to the revolution, providing the perfect excuse. However, when the revolt broke out, it is uncontrollable and threatens to destroy the city. But meanwhile, the mayor's son who, secretly in love with Maria had fallen to lower levels seen with his own eyes the reality of oppression that hid his charmed life, manages to rescue the real Maria, and achieve a peaceful settlement between the revolutionaries and leaders of the city. A happy ending that tells us much about the delicate political situation in Germany at the time, and they had to balance the authors, whose failing marriage itself would end their political differences.
Illustration: Aldous Huxley.
1932 appears in one of the best-known novels and referred to the genre. Aldous Huxley member of a family with a long tradition in the field of biology and medicine, choose bacteriological warfare as a way to bring humanity to the apocalypse in his classic Brave New World. Of this destruction will be born a society where science and technology are entering the race as the only safeguard against disaster. In this society, men are no longer born, they are cultivated by cloning, and education is a sophisticated brainwashing system whose ultimate goal is to put the future adult employment prospects that has been previously assigned, either as leader or as a laborer in a mine. A rigidly structured society into castes, in which rampant consumerism is enforceable standard, with lots of trivial pursuits to avoid the temptation of critical thinking, among which are a sense of pure erotic fun and anxiolytic drug, soma, where consumption is recommended before any hint of unhappiness. Bernard Marx, a member of the intellectual caste discontent with their own status and reputation within it, you'll learn during a routine visit to a primitive indigenous reserve a charismatic character, John the Savage. Convinced he has found the key to access the high society circles, John Bernard will lead to the "civilized" world, where, as he had calculated, will produce a deep impact. However, problems soon began, as John the Savage, lacking the constraints of the "civilized" soon began to complain as a perfect world a disguised tyranny, and its civilized inhabitants as slaves too stupid to be aware of their own enslavement. This would cause the downfall of his patron, which had just awakened critical consciousness in this process, ending with the exile Bernard to a provincial position, and the destruction of John at the hands of the ruthless "civilization."
In 1936 opens The future life, produced by Alexander Korda and directed by William Cameron Menzies , based on the novel by HG Wells The shape of things to come. The theme of the film are the generations of one family, the Cabal. The film begins with the outbreak of a second (we're talking about 1936, remember) world wars in the year 1940 (the prediction failed for only one year) that lasts for decades, and ends with the destruction of civilization, such as we know. The world returns to feudalism, with warlords and tribal leaders fight among themselves for dominance of the small kingdoms in Europe has been divided, and the remnants of the decadent and military technology, until they appear the emissaries of a foreign organization, from its base in the Middle East, trying to rebuild civilization with, how could it be otherwise, submission to science as the norm. Military force newcomers soon defeat the feudal lords, and employ a strict containment, means preferring the use of riot rather than lethal force. The film takes a new leap forward a couple of generations, to show this perfect society already established, but within it begins to show signs of dissent. The total submission to technology is not like a group of citizens, more inclined toward the arts, making opposition to a new space exploration project flag. Soon, violence erupts between the two sides, which leads to ruin this perfect society.
Illustration: George Orwell We will now
time warp in which we will leave the World War II, whose horrors seemed no more than confirm the worst nightmares of science fiction. In 1949 published the seminal work, the real ship insigina of gender, but nightmarish vision of the future ever imagined. A novel whose influence is so great that today, even people who never have read it certainly know what we mean by an Orwellian society . Why not, we're talking about 1984. George Orwell , leftist journalist, who fought as a volunteer in the English Civil War, deeply disillusioned by the totalitarianism that the Russian revolution had degenerated, imagine a future of absolute oppression, where privacy does not exist, since the surveillance cameras of the political police are everywhere, including the houses of citizens, where everyone are encouraged to become an informer, where censorship is absolute and newspaper archives are constantly reviewed to remove any information that could contradict the government's current policy, which maintains a state of perpetual war between continental powers, which justifies the oppressive regime led by tyrant whose title has passed into popular imagination as synonymous with the perfect dictator, the Big Brother . Winston Smith, gray bureaucrat of this machine, enter, again because of a woman (and begins to recur) in contact with the resistance against this tyranny. However, to his misfortune, to discover that this resistance does not exist, it is a trick most of the repressive machine that also needs internal enemies to be able to victimize the public.
Illustration: Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose "game brjuas" inspired by the novel anti-Fahrenheit 451
In 1953, at the height of McCarthyism and his passion censorship, Fahrenheit 451 is published . Ray Bradbury's work , shows a future world where censorship is absolute. In that society is absolutely forbidden to own books, commissioned the burning fire of the same issues. Bradbury described a world mesmerized by the entertainment insubstantial as banal sitcoms, cars that run at high speeds on the highways, and an ongoing propaganda about the impending war, which simply going for a walk instead can drive a car flamboyant, openly is considered antisocial. The protagonist, Guy Montag, one of the firemen responsible for the burning of books, at first feeling curious about the world that battle, began to take books home and read them secretly. This will make you question the system it serves. Needless to say, will eventually be discovered, having to flee the city to save his life. Once in the woods (this also is becoming a trend) will know the men-books. People who have fled also of that society, and culture have decided to save persecuted memorizing books. These rebels will host Montag techniques to ensure that they know him remember every word I have ever read, and therefore he will be a valuable contribution to human library. The story ends with the outbreak of war announced, with the men watching from the shelter book as missiles fall on the city.
In 1954 appears Space Merchants, work Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth. Space Merchants may be regarded as a work ahead of her time, because in an era in which the red terror of nuclear war were the recurring themes of the genre, presents us with a future society dominated by large corporations, where politics and has no power and large firms come to have their own seats in the United States Congress. A story that seem to connect directly with cyberpunk fantasies that appear thirty years later. The protagonist, Mitchell Courtenay, a senior executive of a major advertising firm, is at the height of his career as a maneuver by a jealous rival for his last promotion he knocks its position at the top of the pyramid. Kidnapped, is delivered as a pawn to a plantation in Costa Rica, where they have falsified their identity, leaving him subject to a labor contract that is the closest thing to a sentence to hard labor in this allegedly perfect society exists. But there Courtenay contact with the resistance, a group called the consist, pseudoecologista ideology, considered the greatest enemies of society. Initially, Courtenay plans to use to escape and regain his status, but when it does, and rebel ideology has penetrated too deeply into him, becoming, in his own words, "a master who now despised the ideals of society" . This Naturally, it will take to participate in a large plot, and finally exiled to the space colony of Venus, once exposed as a conspirator. A colony that secretly, is under rebel control.

There are two ways by which science fiction can make us feel apprehension and even fear of the future that awaits us. One of them already discussed in this blog, this is apocalyptic stories. Today I try the second route for fear the future, stories dystopian.
A dystopia is usually defined as the opposite of a utopia, an imaginary society as unjust and oppressive in its terms, the perfect dictatorship. For his opposition to the idea of \u200b\u200butopia is also common to refer to this type of shell companies and anti-utopias. Is a genus closely related to the apocalyptic, so much so that many works have elements of both, being difficult to determine which predominates, the apocalyptic or dystopian. This relationship arises that should be standard practice in the dystopian genre, it must be an apocalyptic event such as a starting point. The event will justify the existence of the despotic regime, first as a survival tool for disaster, and later, as the only safeguard against its repetition hypothetical. We can therefore say without prior apocalypse, there can be a dystopia, as only an extreme fear can lead to a logical extreme waiver freely.
Once arguably is justified as it can be a society so evil, it's time to explore. The protagonist of these stories will always be a rebel. This is something we take for granted, as the tyrannical regime that presents the story is a clear embodiment of evil, and the most common fiction is that evil must be combated. But the standard of these stories is that the protagonist start being the rebel that will become as the story unfolds. On the contrary, the principle is a perfectly integrated into the system. You may feel suspicion towards him, can even feel it's unfair, until you feel oppressed, but never think of rebelling against him. But as we would have no story if it did, the events will ultimately force it. It is important to note that although many of these stories appear as protagonists apparent characters, or are completely unrelated to the company submitted, foreigners unable to understand or appreciate, or at an early stage are in open rebellion against it, the main function these characters is to open the eyes of the character that spoke first. In fact, the most important thing they do in their respective histories John the Savage or V is to show Evey Hammond Bernard Marx or to what extent have agreed to become slaves, and convince them that is worth fighting. At this point we can provide that for a dystopian story need: a tyrannical society emerging from a great catastrophe, an inhabitant of the same critical awareness which is likely to be awakened, an unforeseen event that will shake this awareness, and usually another character holding of the previous guide.
It is also important to note that it is very common for these stories end badly. The power face is too big players to aspire to beat him, and indeed it is the characters fighting for their own dignity. For die standing than live on your knees, I would say Che. In any case, it can save the hero, but at the price of exile from the society they faced. What's more, even if tyranny becomes defeated, the final slope customary to leave a doubt about the future. In the end, these stories are moral tales, and its function is to make us ponder whether we are not building a dystopia ourselves right now. In fact, gender has always grown from the hand of evil considered as "collateral effects" of progress technology, and although as late nineteenth century as stories of HG Wells classic, most notably The Time Machine, in which the protagonist speculates that the world is seeing is the consequence taken to end class-divided society, begin to explore the ground and warn about the misuse of technology is really at the end of World War I when the genre really took off. The first great war of the twentieth century opened the possibility of global destruction scenarios hitherto never imagined, and served his time as a leaven for the growth of ideologies advocating totalitarianism as the price of utopia. World War I, along with the rise of fascism and Marxism-Leninism cast an ominous shadow on the future of mankind that the narrative arts could not ignore. Once placed on record, it's time to meet some of the most representative works of a century of existence of the genre, noting, as always, these summaries contain plot elements, and in many cases, enormous spoilers.
As the list is long, I have chosen to divide it into two articles. in this first attempt of the period from the end of World War I at the end of the decade of the 50
And since we have spoken of Bolshevism as one of the basic factors of gender, it is logical that we start our review of the classics in Russia. In 1922 Yevgeny Zamyatin We public. The work appeared first translated into French, as the Russian original was banned by Soviet censorship, not seeing the light until the decade of the 50. Shows us a future society, the result of a war called the War of 200 years "in which life is regulated even in the most minimal aspects of schedules and regulations in pursuit of maximum productivity. Citizens (known issues) do not have names, but only identification numbers. His daily life is regulated by strict schedules, it being understood as an extension of their working day. They have no right to privacy, live in houses of transparent walls, having the right to draw the curtains only during the hours designated for sexual activity. Sexual relations are managed by the State and are subject to a cumbersome bureaucracy, with the idea of \u200b\u200bavoiding the creation of any emotional bond considered irrational. The cities are surrounded by walls that isolate the natural world, considered wild and dangerous. The protagonist, a renowned rocket engineer, fully convinced of the fairness of the system in which they live, begin to put in question by falling victim to the passion for a woman, which makes everything blow up his scheme of values. Finally will join the rebellion for her, but end up being defeated and reprogrammed. Yet the novel ends up realizing that the wall that isolates the city forest, a haven for dissidents and rebels fled, is being strengthened, which indicates that the rebellion is far from having been defeated for good.

In post-revolutionary Russia, skip to another laboratory of totalitarianism in interwar Germany, to discuss a cinematic masterpiece, a film usually considered a metaphor for ideological struggles of those tumultuous years, which eventually give way to Nazism. In 1927 opens Metropolis, film directed by Fritz Lang on a script for his wife Thea von Harbou . The action takes place in a futuristic city in the XXI century, in which a ruling elite lives given over to all sorts of decadent luxury at the highest levels of the large towers, while working people are crowded into slums located on the lower levels of the city, living practically in slavery. These oppressed people have a spiritual leader, a woman named Maria. The mayor of the city, fearing his influence among the underprivileged, would speak against this character so annoying, but the fact that advocates nonviolence deprived of the necessary excuse to stop. It then yields to the suggestions of counsel, the classic mad scientist, to kidnap the real Mary, and replace it with a dual robotic (the robot so seductive female form that all we have ever seen in any cut of the movie) to incite the masses to the revolution, providing the perfect excuse. However, when the revolt broke out, it is uncontrollable and threatens to destroy the city. But meanwhile, the mayor's son who, secretly in love with Maria had fallen to lower levels seen with his own eyes the reality of oppression that hid his charmed life, manages to rescue the real Maria, and achieve a peaceful settlement between the revolutionaries and leaders of the city. A happy ending that tells us much about the delicate political situation in Germany at the time, and they had to balance the authors, whose failing marriage itself would end their political differences.
1932 appears in one of the best-known novels and referred to the genre. Aldous Huxley member of a family with a long tradition in the field of biology and medicine, choose bacteriological warfare as a way to bring humanity to the apocalypse in his classic Brave New World. Of this destruction will be born a society where science and technology are entering the race as the only safeguard against disaster. In this society, men are no longer born, they are cultivated by cloning, and education is a sophisticated brainwashing system whose ultimate goal is to put the future adult employment prospects that has been previously assigned, either as leader or as a laborer in a mine. A rigidly structured society into castes, in which rampant consumerism is enforceable standard, with lots of trivial pursuits to avoid the temptation of critical thinking, among which are a sense of pure erotic fun and anxiolytic drug, soma, where consumption is recommended before any hint of unhappiness. Bernard Marx, a member of the intellectual caste discontent with their own status and reputation within it, you'll learn during a routine visit to a primitive indigenous reserve a charismatic character, John the Savage. Convinced he has found the key to access the high society circles, John Bernard will lead to the "civilized" world, where, as he had calculated, will produce a deep impact. However, problems soon began, as John the Savage, lacking the constraints of the "civilized" soon began to complain as a perfect world a disguised tyranny, and its civilized inhabitants as slaves too stupid to be aware of their own enslavement. This would cause the downfall of his patron, which had just awakened critical consciousness in this process, ending with the exile Bernard to a provincial position, and the destruction of John at the hands of the ruthless "civilization."
In 1936 opens The future life, produced by Alexander Korda and directed by William Cameron Menzies , based on the novel by HG Wells The shape of things to come. The theme of the film are the generations of one family, the Cabal. The film begins with the outbreak of a second (we're talking about 1936, remember) world wars in the year 1940 (the prediction failed for only one year) that lasts for decades, and ends with the destruction of civilization, such as we know. The world returns to feudalism, with warlords and tribal leaders fight among themselves for dominance of the small kingdoms in Europe has been divided, and the remnants of the decadent and military technology, until they appear the emissaries of a foreign organization, from its base in the Middle East, trying to rebuild civilization with, how could it be otherwise, submission to science as the norm. Military force newcomers soon defeat the feudal lords, and employ a strict containment, means preferring the use of riot rather than lethal force. The film takes a new leap forward a couple of generations, to show this perfect society already established, but within it begins to show signs of dissent. The total submission to technology is not like a group of citizens, more inclined toward the arts, making opposition to a new space exploration project flag. Soon, violence erupts between the two sides, which leads to ruin this perfect society.

time warp in which we will leave the World War II, whose horrors seemed no more than confirm the worst nightmares of science fiction. In 1949 published the seminal work, the real ship insigina of gender, but nightmarish vision of the future ever imagined. A novel whose influence is so great that today, even people who never have read it certainly know what we mean by an Orwellian society . Why not, we're talking about 1984. George Orwell , leftist journalist, who fought as a volunteer in the English Civil War, deeply disillusioned by the totalitarianism that the Russian revolution had degenerated, imagine a future of absolute oppression, where privacy does not exist, since the surveillance cameras of the political police are everywhere, including the houses of citizens, where everyone are encouraged to become an informer, where censorship is absolute and newspaper archives are constantly reviewed to remove any information that could contradict the government's current policy, which maintains a state of perpetual war between continental powers, which justifies the oppressive regime led by tyrant whose title has passed into popular imagination as synonymous with the perfect dictator, the Big Brother . Winston Smith, gray bureaucrat of this machine, enter, again because of a woman (and begins to recur) in contact with the resistance against this tyranny. However, to his misfortune, to discover that this resistance does not exist, it is a trick most of the repressive machine that also needs internal enemies to be able to victimize the public.

In 1953, at the height of McCarthyism and his passion censorship, Fahrenheit 451 is published . Ray Bradbury's work , shows a future world where censorship is absolute. In that society is absolutely forbidden to own books, commissioned the burning fire of the same issues. Bradbury described a world mesmerized by the entertainment insubstantial as banal sitcoms, cars that run at high speeds on the highways, and an ongoing propaganda about the impending war, which simply going for a walk instead can drive a car flamboyant, openly is considered antisocial. The protagonist, Guy Montag, one of the firemen responsible for the burning of books, at first feeling curious about the world that battle, began to take books home and read them secretly. This will make you question the system it serves. Needless to say, will eventually be discovered, having to flee the city to save his life. Once in the woods (this also is becoming a trend) will know the men-books. People who have fled also of that society, and culture have decided to save persecuted memorizing books. These rebels will host Montag techniques to ensure that they know him remember every word I have ever read, and therefore he will be a valuable contribution to human library. The story ends with the outbreak of war announced, with the men watching from the shelter book as missiles fall on the city.
In 1954 appears Space Merchants, work Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth. Space Merchants may be regarded as a work ahead of her time, because in an era in which the red terror of nuclear war were the recurring themes of the genre, presents us with a future society dominated by large corporations, where politics and has no power and large firms come to have their own seats in the United States Congress. A story that seem to connect directly with cyberpunk fantasies that appear thirty years later. The protagonist, Mitchell Courtenay, a senior executive of a major advertising firm, is at the height of his career as a maneuver by a jealous rival for his last promotion he knocks its position at the top of the pyramid. Kidnapped, is delivered as a pawn to a plantation in Costa Rica, where they have falsified their identity, leaving him subject to a labor contract that is the closest thing to a sentence to hard labor in this allegedly perfect society exists. But there Courtenay contact with the resistance, a group called the consist, pseudoecologista ideology, considered the greatest enemies of society. Initially, Courtenay plans to use to escape and regain his status, but when it does, and rebel ideology has penetrated too deeply into him, becoming, in his own words, "a master who now despised the ideals of society" . This Naturally, it will take to participate in a large plot, and finally exiled to the space colony of Venus, once exposed as a conspirator. A colony that secretly, is under rebel control.
I put here for now so this first review some of the classics of the genre. In the second installment, we discuss what has been whether from the sixties up to this day, has been very, very good.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Best Espresso Maker Under 200
Cantinflas, His Excellency
The brilliant and never sufficiently recognized Mexican comedian Mario Moreno, Cantinflas , has addressed on several occasions of a social satire and political, always with remarkable results. Perhaps one of its most successful interventions in this field is His Excellency , where he gives us his particular vision of the Cold War, and relations of major powers with the Third World.
In this film, Cantinflas plays one of his endearing losers, Lopitos, gray embassy official in Los Cocos, an imaginary Latin American banana republic, the capital of Pepeslavia, hypothetical republic of Eastern Europe in communist times . Through a series of comic twist of fate, Lopitos is promoted to ambassador just a key moment in international relations. In the capital of Pepeslavia is about to take place An international conference aimed at ending the Cold War, by the method of putting to a vote among the various countries the system by which to govern the world since then, communism or capitalism. In this situation, the voice of the Third World countries is suddenly of paramount importance, as it is their votes which opted a scale matched between the two blocs, and especially that of the republic of Los Cocos, whose government does not signals have decided their position on the eve of important events.
Suddenly Lopitos is, without eating or drinking, the man of the hour, besieged by the media center and all possible political intrigue. The events will be going to insane pace. Cantinflas is proud of its ability, in the words of one character, "talking a lot and say nothing" to get your character successfully copes with the various agents of the various powers trying to coax the meaning of their vote .
The film has memorable scenes, such as the gala dinner at the Embassy of Los Cocos, in which, at the same pace as the dishes from the menu, the tickers are being served reporting of successive coups that are taking place as both the host country, and especially the grand finale Lopitos speech in front of the UN Assembly, which, at any time without losing the humorous tone, makes a devastating critique both communists and capitalists, and the relationship of the blocks with the Third World, just before the unveil the best kept secret of the film, the meaning of his vote, desvelare not here, of course. You'll have to see the movie to find out. No doubt enjoy a film that will make you laugh, and will also make you think.

In this film, Cantinflas plays one of his endearing losers, Lopitos, gray embassy official in Los Cocos, an imaginary Latin American banana republic, the capital of Pepeslavia, hypothetical republic of Eastern Europe in communist times . Through a series of comic twist of fate, Lopitos is promoted to ambassador just a key moment in international relations. In the capital of Pepeslavia is about to take place An international conference aimed at ending the Cold War, by the method of putting to a vote among the various countries the system by which to govern the world since then, communism or capitalism. In this situation, the voice of the Third World countries is suddenly of paramount importance, as it is their votes which opted a scale matched between the two blocs, and especially that of the republic of Los Cocos, whose government does not signals have decided their position on the eve of important events.
Suddenly Lopitos is, without eating or drinking, the man of the hour, besieged by the media center and all possible political intrigue. The events will be going to insane pace. Cantinflas is proud of its ability, in the words of one character, "talking a lot and say nothing" to get your character successfully copes with the various agents of the various powers trying to coax the meaning of their vote .
The film has memorable scenes, such as the gala dinner at the Embassy of Los Cocos, in which, at the same pace as the dishes from the menu, the tickers are being served reporting of successive coups that are taking place as both the host country, and especially the grand finale Lopitos speech in front of the UN Assembly, which, at any time without losing the humorous tone, makes a devastating critique both communists and capitalists, and the relationship of the blocks with the Third World, just before the unveil the best kept secret of the film, the meaning of his vote, desvelare not here, of course. You'll have to see the movie to find out. No doubt enjoy a film that will make you laugh, and will also make you think.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Change To Cat On Oovoo
The Freaks
Without doubt one of the bizarre horror classic, Freaks (The Freaks) of Tod Browning is one of those films that must be present in the library of every geek lovers. Released in 1932 , tells the story of a circus trapeze artist, aware that one of the dwarfs of the show is the lucky recipient of a million-dollar inheritance, it is proposed to seduce him, once converted to his wife, kill him and enjoy his fortune as a merry widow. Unfortunately, other monsters of the show soon discover their plans, and determined to defend the interests of one of their own, to take his revenge, a revenge that will demonstrate that there are things far worse than death.
Without doubt, the highlight of this movie, and what has become known to maintain its aura of controversy to this day, is the fact that everything on screen is really true . Here there are no special effects or makeup tricks that are worth. All the cast are real monsters who made cripples exhibiting their deformity life circus that serves as the framework for action. Browning presents us with great ease, and even romance, so grotesque scenes such as the husband of one of the Siamese twins, who are accustomed to the inevitable presence of his sister even more intimate situations.
Perhaps most famous scene from the film is the welcome dinner club monsters of the beautiful wife of billionaire dwarf, in which a large glass of punch is from slug to slug monster mouth mouth de monstruo, para finalmente ser ofrecida a la homenajeada, la cual, al rechazar con asco tan gran honor, sella su fatal destino. Una película que, a pesar de los muchos años transcurridos desde su estreno, aun hoy puede provocar algún escalofrío en estómagos poco curtidos. Una obra maestra de visionado obligatorio si de verdad quieres llegar a algo en esto del frikismo.

Without doubt one of the bizarre horror classic, Freaks (The Freaks) of Tod Browning is one of those films that must be present in the library of every geek lovers. Released in 1932 , tells the story of a circus trapeze artist, aware that one of the dwarfs of the show is the lucky recipient of a million-dollar inheritance, it is proposed to seduce him, once converted to his wife, kill him and enjoy his fortune as a merry widow. Unfortunately, other monsters of the show soon discover their plans, and determined to defend the interests of one of their own, to take his revenge, a revenge that will demonstrate that there are things far worse than death.
Without doubt, the highlight of this movie, and what has become known to maintain its aura of controversy to this day, is the fact that everything on screen is really true . Here there are no special effects or makeup tricks that are worth. All the cast are real monsters who made cripples exhibiting their deformity life circus that serves as the framework for action. Browning presents us with great ease, and even romance, so grotesque scenes such as the husband of one of the Siamese twins, who are accustomed to the inevitable presence of his sister even more intimate situations.
Perhaps most famous scene from the film is the welcome dinner club monsters of the beautiful wife of billionaire dwarf, in which a large glass of punch is from slug to slug monster mouth mouth de monstruo, para finalmente ser ofrecida a la homenajeada, la cual, al rechazar con asco tan gran honor, sella su fatal destino. Una película que, a pesar de los muchos años transcurridos desde su estreno, aun hoy puede provocar algún escalofrío en estómagos poco curtidos. Una obra maestra de visionado obligatorio si de verdad quieres llegar a algo en esto del frikismo.
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